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'AITA for going off on my parents for humiliating me at my wedding?'

'AITA for going off on my parents for humiliating me at my wedding?'

"AITA for going off on my parents for humiliating me at my wedding?"

So I (21M) and my wife (23F) had a wedding 7 days ago. My brother really wanted to help so the big brother I am I decided why not. So they got to work and it was the most beautiful place ever. Then my parents told me that they would be displaying pictures on the projector of my teen/child years.

Now I was usually bullied around that time and was very insecure. My wife knew and she was very supportive about it and helped me through those tough times. So I said it was ok, but they cannot show pictures that were embarrassing (like me not looking good, awkward faces, etc) and they said ok. But I knew by there faces that they did not mean it.

Time skip to the wedding and we were having a good time until it was my parents speech. It was good at first but then they then showed the pictures and it was awful. They showed pictures of me shirtless, stuffing my face with cake, and a lot of embarrassing things no one would want to see.

After that my mom said "hard to believe that my little piggy has a wife now." I lost it right there. I started screaming at them that they were humiliating me on what was supposed to be my best day ever. I grabbed my wife's hand and left. My wife is on my side but the whole family is not. They're saying that I went to far and it was "nothing serious." So, AITA?

Here's what top commenters had to say about this one:

Awkward-Tourist979 said:

They called you a little piggy. There’s usually reasons why adult children cut off their parents. This is yours. Go no contact.

000-Hotaru_Tomoe said:

NTA. You put a boundary, they stepped on it. I'm under the impression this isn’t the first time they do it. Be it a lesson for the future. Ps: glad that your wife has your back!

LorraineAdele said:

NTA—Your wedding, your rules! If you set boundaries and they chose to ignore them, that's on them. Humiliating you on what's supposed to be one of the happiest days of your life is way out of line. Good on you for standing up for yourself!

Justabups said:

NTA, that seems like such a strange thing to do. Maybe I just don't get the "humor." I wouldn't call any of my children a piggy-boy/girl any day but especially not one as important as a wedding day.

LonelyXannaX said:

NTA. I love baby pictures of people. There’s a limit to what you should show tho. I feel like after showing baby you, calling you a piggy, and saying they can’t believe you found a wife is just down right insulting. You were also just a child in those, bad moments may have been caught, but you were just a baby.

I can’t believe your parents would ruin whats suppose to be one of the happiest days someone can experience. I’m so sorry they used young and embarrassing/cheeky photos of you on your wedding. I’d cry if that happened to me.

KerbysMom said:

NTA. No. They humiliated you. You specifically asked them not to. It wasn't fair to you. They should not have done that on your special day. They should be apologizing to you.

omrmajeed said:

NTA. It is clear that your parents live in their own world and have no idea of your trauma.

Sources: Reddit
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