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Golden retriever owner insists that Trixxy 'is allowed to have fun' at playground. AITA? UPDATED.

Golden retriever owner insists that Trixxy 'is allowed to have fun' at playground. AITA? UPDATED.

"AITA for saying that my dog is allowed to have fun too at the playground?"

My (33F) golden named Trixxy and I live near a public park. They have a large public playground that Trixxy likes to go to. Due to my work schedule we either go early in the morning or late at night.

Typically there are not a lot of kids at those times of the day. I'd avoid hours with lots of kids because I don't want them coming up to Trixxy. I"m responsible, anytime Trixxy poops I pick it up and she is on verbal recall at all times, which is the law.

Today, It was Trixxy and I and one other family. Trixxy was running at the playground, she likes sand the most. But today, a mom asked me to not have Trixxy at the playground.

She explained that this is a place for kids, it is not for dogs. I explained that there is no signage saying no dogs and I've looked up our municipalities code and there is nothing saying dogs are not allowed on playgrounds. I tell her that my dog is allowed to have fun too. I was a touch defensive, but I don't like anyone criticizing Trixxy and I.

I allow Trixxy to continue playing as we had only been there about 5 minutes. Well the mom gets angry and calls me an ahole and selfish. She says "playgrounds are for kids." I tell her to drop it or go home. When it was clear I was not leaving she gathered up her kids and left. AITA?

Here's what the top commenters had to say here:

owlsandmoths said:

YTA. I love my dog like a child but playgrounds with equipment are for children and dog parks are for dogs. It’s one thing if you’re there when there aren’t children, but when a family is trying to play, you don’t know if the kids are terrified of dogs or allergic.

They should be allowed to play without a snarky dog mom thinking her dog is entitled to use children’s play equipment.

_mmiggs_ said:

YTA. Playgrounds are for human children. The places for dogs to go and play are called "dog parks." And you have your dog off its leash at a children's playground? If your dog even gets close to looking like it might attack a child, you're going to have either a lawsuit or a dead dog (or perhaps both).

tatersprout said:

YTA. It's a child's playground, not a dog park, and therefore your dog should be leashed and not running free. People have certain expectations at a playground, and dogs aren't included. I have dogs and I would never do this.

KronkLaSworda said:

YTA. Find a dog park. That's a kid's park. I love dogs. But if your dog bit the wrong person's kid at a playground, you'd no longer have a dog.

catsdontliftweights said:

YTA. Playgrounds are for people not dogs, that’s why there are separate dog parks. Not everyone loves your dog like you do, there are people especially kids who are scared of your dog, and your dog could cause them to get hurt just by being hyper and running around faster than people can keep up.

What type of dog do you have? I get the feeling that if it was a small dog you would have said that to help your side of the story. I used to have a German Shepherd. He was the sweetest dog, but I could also understand why some people were afraid of them.

Nirw99 said:

Sorry to break it up for you, but parks do are for kids. what you're thinking of is called "dog park," look it up, you'll love it! YTA

Gargantuan_Plant said:

YTA. It's very clearly a playground for humans. And you knew that before you took this to reddit. Your dog could easily scare more shy and cautious children, no matter how well behaved you know it is. They don't. If you don't like anyone criticizing you, this might not be the right place for you and your precious dog. Just like a children's playground.


ETA: Well I'm the ahole I guess. A few things, my dog is a golden retriever. She would never hurt anyone. All you need is to have dogs on verbal recall, no leash law. Trixxy is highly trained with verbal recall.

Everyone was team mom here, even Trixxy's owner in the end. What are your thoughts on dogs being allowed in playgrounds intended for children?

Sources: Reddit
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