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'Grampa is 'punishing' my dad. I could stop it, but don't know if I actually want to.' UPDATED 3X

'Grampa is 'punishing' my dad. I could stop it, but don't know if I actually want to.' UPDATED 3X

Finding out the truth about family dynamics can be one of the strangest side effects of

"Grampa is 'punishing' my dad. I have the power to stop it, but don't know if I actually want to."

I (f21) lost my mom when I was 14. Dad remarried when I was 17. My stepmom has a daughter (f15), she and dad had a boy(m3), and now she just gave birth to a little girl. Anyway, I have worked since I was 16, to have so money to buy stuff for me. When I turned 18, dad said I was now an adult and should start paying rent. It was "only" 500 dollars.

A symbolic amount since he would still cover food and other essentials. I was mad and we fought, but in the end I accepted and that was the arrangement until 7 months ago. Dad came to me saying I had 2 months to move out, stepmom was pregnant and they would need my room for the baby. Which is insane because they both have private offices.

My stepmom doesn't even need one since she's a SAHM since the birth of my baby brother. Nonetheless they told me I had to move. BTW, just an addendum: Me and Stepmom get well fine. We don't fight or bicker. I don't think this was a evil stepmom moment, but who knows? Me and stepsister are actually pretty close, I help her with homework, and talk about her personal problems, I do love her very much.

Back to the story, I didn't know what to do. I'm going to a college, (I want to be a civil engineer), and work part time. I don't have the means to live by myself. I called my aunt, asking if I could move in with her for the time being, until I figured something out, offered to pay rent and all.

She was aghast at what dad was doing, she said I absolutely could live with her, no rend needed, but also said she was gonna deal with my dad. The next day Grampa came to our house, and they talked privately, I could hear my dad angry voice, but couldn't understand anything being said. After a while Grampa came to my room and said I had three choices.

The first was continue living with dad and stepmom like I was doing, nothing would change except without paying rent. The second was moving in with him and gramma, or my aunt. Third was find a place of my own and he would pay the rend and costs for me. He said I didn't need to choose now, I could keep living with dad and if I changed my mind to just tell him.

I was actually relived I could still live with dad, and that this madness was over. But the following days and weeks, dad and stepmom were very hostile towards me, and I felt incredibly uncomfortable being in my own home. Even Cassie pick this up and asked me why they were angry at me.

So I decided to move out and told grampa. He said he would take care of everything...a few weeks later he moved me in into ones of his rental units. The apartment is lovely, he bought me a fridge, stove, and other essential items, he gave me a check for 15000 saying this money is to help me start living on my own.

And that as long as I am working or studying, I can live there rent free, for as long as I want. My dad and I have been pretty low contact since I moved out. He never came to visit me, or I visit them. I miss them a lot, specially my step sister, but am still hurt. Two weeks ago, my stepmom gave birth, I visited them in the hospital. It was a little awkward, but nice seeing them and my baby sister.

Anyway, few days ago dad calls me, saying he misses me, the children misses me, and I should move back home. He apologized for asking me to move out, etc etc etc. And I told him I would think about it.

Yesterday I visited my aunt, and was telling her what my dad said, and my cousin laughed a little and said "I'm sure he does...". I asked what he meant, and that's when they told me a lot of, until now, unknown information. Basically, my dad's home, is actually my grampa's. (As is my aunt's). Basically the deal he made with me, he did with all his kids and some grandkids as well.

He never wanted any of his family to have to worry about basic stuff like house, and food, etc. When I called my aunt that time, she called grampa, which was furious with dad, not only for kicking me out, but also for charging me rent. That day he went to my dad's and tore him a new one, and threatened to have him evicted.

But now the "petty" part, you know that 15k grampa gave me? It's actually what I paid dad in rent all that time. And now he's making dad pay him back. Also... he's charging dad 1200 dollars for the rent loss in apartment I'm living in. Call me dumb, or naïve, but until now, I never realized my dad didn't make that much money.

We lived in a great house, always went on vacations, and lived very comfortable lives, but I guess grampa has always been helping behind the scenes. Now my cousin thinks dad is struggling, with three kids at home, a single income, and having to pay it back to grampa. So he says Dad wants me back, because he imagines grampa will stop "punishing" him if I'm back living with them.

Honestly...I don't know what to do. I'm actually loving living on my own these past 6 months. But I do really miss them, I miss my siblings. I miss the life we had before all of this, but I don't know if moving back home is the right answer, and also...I'm hurt the reason he wants me back is money. Honestly...I just wanted to vent.

Commenters did not hold back.

landofpuffs wrote:

Stay right where you are. You can miss them and love them from afar. Go be with your grandfather and your aunts family. They seem like the real family. Also, try to go see a therapist.

notthelizardgenitals wrote:

I'm so very sorry that your father has hurt you so much. He doesn't want you though, he wants money. And knowing this is always going to hurt you and chip away at your self-worth.

I know it hurts, but going back is not healthy for you. You deserve people in your life who love you unconditionally and want to spend time with you because it's you and without ulterior motives. How about starting new traditions with your aunt and grandparents? They love you and want you around. I wish you all the best.

OP responded:

"He doesn't want you though, he wants money. And knowing this is always going to hurt you and chip away at your self-worth."

This is the weird part. Because I know this... But also, it's difficult see my dad that way. These past 6 months I wondered why kick me out. If I had done something. Now I'm thinking, was it all about money?

"How about starting new traditions with your aunt and grandparents? They love you and want you around."

Yeah... they've been great. I visit them whenever possible. Gramma isn't in the bests of health but she even came to visit me on my Birthday. I'm very lucky to have them and their support. And thanks for the kind words.

Aggravating_Secret_7 wrote:

Nope, you stay right where you are.

Listen to me, any man that would treat his kids like that ain't worth the powder it would take to blow him up. I said what I said.

I don't hold a high opinion of your stepmother either, but that's neither here nor there. I know this hurt you. My Dad and I weren't on speaking terms when he died. I spent years trying to have a decent relationship with him, before giving up on it. I've been in your shoes. But he wants you back for the money. Not because he misses you. You'll be just as miserable as you were before.

Right now you have to protect you well being, including your mental health. I'm old enough to your Mama, so let me give me you the advice I'd give my babies. Stay put and go to school. You have extended family who are more than willing to support you, lean on them. In school, you'll meet friends who will become like family, and you'll grow yourself a good support system there too.

This mess with your father won't ever stop hurting, but don't let it dominate your life. Your school should have some resources for counseling right there on campus, start with them, you need someone to talk to about this. I'm so sorry about the loss of your Mama. Also, drink your water and put on some sunscreen before you go outside, it's getting hot. That part goes for all y'all.

OP responded:

OMG, you gonna make me cry.

Thank you so much.

sgtmattie wrote:

Think of it this way, your father is living in a huge house for the price of a small apartment. He’s still getting an amazing deal, just not as amazing as it was before. Everyone struggles when their budget is reduced, but that doesn’t mean that he won’t still be living a very comfortable and subsidized life.

Also, I have a feeling your grandfather would but unconvinced to change the rent your father is paying even if you were to move back. He is charging your father to make a point, not to actually cover your expenses. Enjoy your new apartment and independence. Your father will have to just learn to adapt to a slightly simpler lifestyle.

OP responded:

"Also, I have a feeling your grandfather would be unconvinced to change the rent your father is paying even if you were to move back. He is charging your father to make a point, not to actually cover your expenses."

It makes sense. I've been reading what people say and I'm more comfortable with staying where I am. Less guilty. But maybe I should talk with grampa about it, to hear his side. I now realize I've been too sheltered from information I think I need.

Tall_Wall7580 wrote:

Don’t move back home- that is not the answer to “we miss you”. The answer to “we miss you” is to schedule regular plans with them (while still living in your own place). Have family dinner night.

Bring your stepsister to your place for Girls’ Night sleepovers. Offer to babysit the babies on night so dad and stepmom can go out. You don’t have to move home for them to still be your family! Btw- your Grampa ROCKS!!💗

OP responded:

Those are great suggestions. Thank you. I'll tell dad I won't be moving back, but I'll suggest ways to reconnect. I would love to have sleepovers with my siblings, I'll put that as the main one. People are being so helpful, and I'm realizing I can have a relationship with them on my own terms. I feel kind dumb, because it's obvious. Thank you again.

A week later, OP shared an update.

I wanted to give you guys an update, since you've all been so helpful and kind to me. I was so overwhelmed by the support you gave me. Thanks 1000 times.

Before, just answering some questions people had. My aunt and grampa are from my father side of the family. My mom side unfortunately I don't have much contact. My grandparents have passed away before mom, I have uncles and aunts, I see once in a while, but they don't live close. I also have 2 other uncles from my father side, I'm close to them, but not as near my aunt.

She was my rock when mom died. I consider her a second mom. My stepmom knew about the rent I was paying, it was implied step sister would need to do the same when she turned 18. But I don't know if she knew dad didn't own the house, or the extend of how much grampa has financially helped dad.

To the update:

Monday, the day after my post, I called dad and said I decided to not move back. I didn't mentioned anything I was told, just that was well settled here, and moving back seamed like a step back.

But I also said I wanted to keep in contact with them. They could invite me for dinner whenever they wanted, and I also said I would love for my step sister and brother, to be able to spend time with me here at home.

He was disappointed, and I didn't feel any angriness in his tone at least. But he basically said a "We'll see" and left at that. I was also disappointed. But then Friday he called me, asked me if I wanted to have launch Sunday (today), I said I already had plans with grampa and gramma, he asked when I would be free.

So we schedule a dinner for Thursday. I haven't told any of this to my step sister, we talk and text regularly. She also haven't heard they talking about me. But she did say her gramma (her mom's mom) is there to help with the baby and is being incredibly annoying.

I laughed at that. I wanted to offer her to sleepover here, but didn't want to get her excited just for dad to say no, so I'll try talk with them Thursday. The big update is I've just came back from visiting grampa and gramma. We spend a lovely day together. But I also said I wanted to know everything that was going on.

I wasn't a kid anymore and I felt like living in lies. The most important things were things my cousin and aunt told me last week. But there were a few more. Grampa had been subsidizing quite often our basic needs, like school, healthcare, etc...because Dad haven't one cent saved up according to grampa.

Also my college fund was mainly contributed by him (and mom before her passing). I guess that makes sense. I was also dumb to not realize this sooner. He also have set up funds for my baby siblings...and also one for my step sister. Because he didn't want her to feel excluded and not have the same opportunities as her siblings.

This man is incredible. I love him so so much. (And yes... I'm very very lucky. I've seen so many people commenting this, not in a derogatory way, but being very supportive and nice. I know I'm very privileged to have grandparents and family members who can afford and are willing to help me. I hope one day I can help others the way they are helping me)

Anyways... I also expressed worries about dad financial situation... and he assured me dad is fine, more than fine. He will have to be less frivolous with money for a while, but that he would never let any of his kids or grandkids to suffer, or be in the need for anything. As many of you said he's trying to teach Dad a lesson "I should've taught him a long time ago."

So I'll stay out of it. I don't think I'll tell Dad that I know all of this. I know many of you said to confront him, but I think it's for the best if he continuous thinking I'm oblivious. Lastly, we talked about why dad kick me out. He didn't have an answer either, I could see he and gramma were very hurt by what dad did. He said he asked for an explanation but got none.

That's it for now. I'll continue trying have a relationship with my siblings outside of my dad and stepmom. I also try to schedule some weekly dinner with them... I know what you guys said about my father is mostly true. But I need to at least try have a relationship with him, if not for him, for my siblings, and for me. But don't worry, I'll won't let him hurt me anymore.

The comments kept coming in.

CTU wrote:

Your grandfather is the GOAT. I wish I could have had someone like him in my life. I still think that your dad is trying to erase his last wife/your mom from his memory as I have heard about such things all too often. Although maybe not consciously? I am not sure at this point if he is being honest. I hope things go well for you.

Crftygirl wrote:


You know we are going to need an update in 6 months to a year, right? My friend, we are rooting for you and your family. Except for your dad and step-mom....unless you want us to...and we will do it but it will be begrudgingly.

Accordingtowho2021 wrote:

Other than your dad, you have an amazing support system. I know it might hurt that your dad isn't one but...some people suck. You need to do what is best for you and build a great life for YOU. This is just a bump in the journey you call life.

maywellflower wrote:

" I know many of you said to confront him, but I think it's for the best if he continuous thinking I'm oblivious."

Don't bother confronting him because whatever your grandpa doing to him, is already so vindictive and brutal money-wise to your father that being oblivious of "I don't have any money to give you, dad, because I have to pay for my college expenses nor do I want to move back to you after what happened" which is true and best way to protect yourself plus your siblings.

Your father lied to both you and his own father. He is getting what he deserves and earned for being such money-grubbing asshole to the wrong ones.

More-Jacket9034 wrote:

Fantastic update! So glad you are putting the precious gift your grandpa gave you to good use. That stepping stone to independence will serve you well. You sound like a very smart young lady. Staying out of whatever transpires between your dad and grandpa is a wise decision. Give your grandpa extra hugs and kisses every chance you get. He definitely deserves it!

A week later, OP shared another update.

There isn't much of an update, but some people message me asking about how was the dinner. So last Thursday I went there after work. Gosh...I missed my siblings so much...and I spend majority of the time with them. My baby brother is not a baby anymore, he have grown so much.

My baby sister is so cute...I could eat her alive. I never want to be apart from them anymore, doesn't matter what happens. Cassie (I said her name once in my original post by mistake, she's my step sister), is the only one I maintained regular contact through calls and text, she's just an amazing person as well.

She knows I didn't move out in the best of circumstances, but doesn't know the details, or anything about the money. I asked if she wanted to have a sleepover at my house sometime, and she was thrilled. If I hadn't stopped her, she would've start packing at that second.

My stepmom's mom was still there to help with the baby. And guess where she's staying? In my old bedroom, they transformed it into a guest room. And the baby room was stepmom's old office ("Because it's closer to the master"). Honestly, that hurt a little. I've only met my stepmom parents a few times, they were always nice to me, this time she kept looking at me weird, all the time.

Didn't matter where I was or where I moved, she was keeping track of me, like she was expecting me to try and steal something. When I was holding the baby didn't leave my side. Anyway, apart from that dinner went as well as you can imagine. A little awkward, but I was glad I could she my siblings and spend a few hours playing with them.

At the end I mentioned Cassie having a sleepover in the weekend. Her grandmother started saying that absolutely not, Cassie would not go...but to my surprise stepmom stopped her. She said if Cassie wanted I could pick her up Saturday after soccer practice. For dinner that was that. When I was leaving stepmom gave me a really tie hug.

So many people were saying how she's just a evil stepmom that I kinda started to believe. But as I said in my first post, we always had a good relationship. I left very confused and emotional. Saturday afternoon I picked Cassie, we watched Inside Out 2, then we ate Shawarma for the first time (which is basically a meat burrito. I don't see the difference.)

It was so good to spend the day with her. I'm so glad to have her in my life. Sunday I dropped her off, and went inside to see my other siblings, Dad wasn't there, he was out meeting a work friend (Some people asked what my dad Does, he's a lawyer, and stepmom used to work for an advertisement company, but is now a SAHM).

We have another dinner schedule for Friday. I don't know if I'll ever find out exactly why they wanted me to move, or why charge me rent. I don't want to touch the subject now, because I don't want to jeopardize my relationship with my siblings. So I don't know if I'll have anymore updates since things are settling down and is now just life.

But if I find out in the future I'll update. You guys have been incredible, thanks so much for all the words of kindness and support your gave me. Talking it out and then reading your replies have helped immensely. I also took people's suggestions and do therapy, and this Friday will is be my first session.

The comments kept coming in.

Shelly_895 wrote:

Sounds like someone s-t -alked you to your stepmom's parents. I'd be really interested to find out about the reason for the sudden change in dynamics between you and them. Maybe your dad told them a different story of why you had to move out all of a sudden. Wouldn't hurt to ask some questions.

Special_Lychee_6847 wrote:

It almost sounds like you're apologizing for not having some theatrical, dramatic update. But I'm sure everyone sympathizing with you is thrilled with an update that can be summarized as 'all is well' or 'better than expected'.

I'm glad everything is calm, and you get to spend time with your siblings.

All the best.

Edit to add: Thank you for updating. It's always nice to see things working out or at least starting to work out, in updates.

Lost-and-dumbfound wrote:

I’m glad things are better for you now. Also nice of your step mum to defend you in some way towards her mum, regardless of why, it’s still a nice gesture. Hope you’ve also had time to spend with grandpa. He’s epic.

rubberbandballgirl wrote:

I wonder if the grandma wanted you out so she could move in and live off her lawyer son in law. Would explain why your stepmom was the instigator in all this. Her mother was probably in her ear about it. She didn’t know where the money came from.

material_cellist4133 wrote:

I mean it’s kinda obvious why they wanted you to move out - it’s to make room for your stepmothers mom. Also, still think your stepmother is evil - she has to know that your father charging you rent and then kicking you out was wrong especially since there is no way she didn’t know it was your grandfathers home.

Two weeks later, OP shared another update.

So things blew up a little, and I don't even know where to start. I still haven't processed everything I've been told. Since my last update, things have been normal, from my side. I had another dinner with my parents the Friday before last, stepmom's mom (who I'll call Ebby, meaning Evil B-ch (Spoilers) was still giving me the dirty eye, but I ignored her.

I had scheduled dinner with them for last Friday, and I was talking to them about taking my little brother to the park yesterday, but Wednesday my dad called me asking if I could instead postpone dinner, and instead go to grampa's on Saturday because he needed to talk with the whole family.

Meanwhile I had been talking to Cassie and she's been telling me Stepmom (I'll call her Steh) and Ebby have been fighting a lot. Well... last Sunday Steh's father shows up (I'll call him Laby, meaning Lying B-stard), there's a big fight and Laby and Ebby go back home on Monday. So yesterday afternoon I go to grampa's, my aunt was there as well, then dad and Steh arrive with Cassie.

Dad was clearly embarrassed. He apologized to me, to my grandparents. Steh apologized to me as well. And dad gave an explanation / apology / reason for everything that happened in the last few years. Some things I already knew, but Cassie didn't (she was present for the whole thing). So I'll try to tell everything here, I don’t know how coherent I’ll be, but I hope you can follow me:

Years and years ago, grampa and a friend started a company. The company was very successful. When dad was 25, grampa sold the company and made a lot of money. So he decided to gift each child a home. He gave his kids 350k each, with the promise they would use to buy homes or pay out the mortgages. Grampa had seen people lose their homes, and didn't want that to happen to his kids.

Dad didn't buy a home however. He actually moved to New York, to start his own practice and become a "big and successful lawyer". And as you can imagine, things didn't turn out so well for him. Half a decade later, he has no money left, can't pay rent, so he reaches out to grampa, and moves back home. Grampa helps him find a job with a buddy of his.

After awhile, dad starts to put his life back together, rents a home and move out from grampa's, meets my mom and starts dating her. They fall in love, after a while he asks to marry her. Before they married, grampa came to them, and said he would gift them a home. He had already talked with his other kids, and they were fine with it.

But because he didn't trust dad, and the home is so dad's future kids would always have a roof over their heads, the home would stay in his name, and in his will, they would go directly to dad's kids. So I was actually mistaken before, my uncles and aunt don't live in homes owned by grampa, only my dad does. (And I think 2 cousins of mine as well). Next thing I was born.

Life is good for a while... then mom passes away. Dad struggles with taking care of me alone. That's when grampa starts to help financially. Few more years, dad meets Steh, but dad is embarrassed about not owning the house, and that grampa is helping him, so he never tells Steh any of this. For her dad was just a moderately successful lawyer.

They marry, she becomes pregnant, she asks if she could become a full time SAHM, and dad is embarrassed to say no. So he tells her it's fine. In the meanwhile, now with 3 kids, plus a SAHM wife, dad is struggling even more, grampa is helping more, and dad’s savings are being diminished day by day. Dad admits that he kinda threw Steh under the bus to grampa.

Blaming her for his financial problems to Grampa, so grampa would continue helping for the sake of the kids. Now I need to go back a little and talk about Laby and Ebby. Just as Steh, they think dad is a rich successful lawyer. And they start saying to dad how he’s spoiling me, how I'm gonna be irresponsible with money, how I have an easy life.

That when Laby was my age, he had to pay rent to his dad, and he did the same with his son, (Steh's brother), and how successful they became, never needing anything from anybody, bootstraps, etc...etc...etc. And apparently that got into dad's head. He became afraid I would be dependent on him (or more likely grampa) and his money, instead of being successful on my own.

He became afraid I would be a "failure" like him, that still needs his dad to bail him out. So he started getting parenting advice from his in-laws. Why not ask his own dad, who's much much more successful and raised 3/4 of his kids to be successful as well? I asked. And apparently, it’s because he felt embarrassed (That comes up again and again and again to explain dad's action. Embarrassment).

He didn't want grampa to think even less of him. Therefore the rent idea which was a suggestion from Laby. Dad says his initial plan was to save the money and give it to me later. But with a new kid, Steh not working, and trying to project to Steh and his in laws how things were fine, saving the money became impossible according to him.

BTW, he also lied to me here at the time, saying it's a normal thing to do, that grampa had done it to him and his kids. Which is a lie I discovered 8 months ago, but with everything else that happened that seemed small at the time. There's a detail that I didn't disclose in my previous posts because it didn't matter, or so I thought. And that is I'm part of the LGBTQIA+ community.

I don't hide this fact, in fact I was already out to my mom before her passing. But it's not something I advertise either. That'll become relevant later. Anyways, continuing. Laby becomes dad's confidant, and he starts to open himself to him about his money troubles, and Laby start to say things like I'm should move out, and things like that to dad, which is rejected initially.

Then Steh becomes pregnant again...and dad panics. That's when Laby and Ebby come to dad, and say they would help him, not only financially, but Ebby would move in with him and Steh after the baby to help out, and even convince Steh to go back to work, since Ebby would be there taking care of the kids. But for that I needed to move out.

Their reason is because the home wouldn't be able to accommodate Ebby, and that it was time I left the nest, etc... etc... etc. So they convinced dad I needed to move out. Dad didn't tell Steh any of this, keep in mind. Only that he thought it was the best for me, and the baby coming was just a great opportunity.

According to them, Steh was against this, but dad pulled the "My daughter, I know best" card, so she deferred to him. They tell me I need to move out, I talked about this from my point of view. That day grampa goes to my dad's home and they have a huge fight. Not only dad and grampa, but dad and Steh.

Because it was then she discovered dad didn't own the house, dad had almost no savings, and dad was dependent on grampa. Dad's deal with her parents was still a secret. At this point I asked Steh, why then she acted so hostile towards me after that day, so much that made me unwelcomed and wanting to move out. And she looked shocked.

She apologized to me and started to cry...saying that she was never mad at me, but at dad. That she had no idea she was to blame for me moving out. (I was crying as well, I said it's not her fault). And guys...I know many of you have said bad things about her, and I don't blame you. But I do believe her. The look on her face when I said I felt unwelcome and that’s why I moved out…it's not something you can fake.

Now I’m thinking she's as much of a victim of my dad's actions as me. And all this time she was just trying to give me space. So going back to events, I move out, grampa not only cuts dad from all financial support, but starts to charge him money for the house. The only thing he continued paying for is Cassie's education. Now everything is in the open, and Dad and Steh have to cut everything.

Dinners, expensive foods, sell her car, etc. Laby and Ebby give them some money as well to help out. Poor Steh is stressed out, pregnant, with a lying husband. I'm actually sad for her and what she went through. I was looking at grampa, and I could see he was as well. I don't think he realized the amount of stress he was placing on her. (I don't know how he will proceed from now on regarding dad and the house)

Before the baby is born, Ebby moves in with dad and Steh, Steh gives birth, things are “normal”. But with the new baby, dad feels even more guilty over what happened, and that when he calls me. Again this part I already told you...jumping to when I went to dinner the first time. Dad and Steh also recognize Ebby acting strange towards me. After I left they talked, nothing came from it.

But Steh kept talking to dad about her mom. And dad started to tell her his conversations with Ebby and Laby, about money and raising kids, etc. After my second dinner. Steh confronted her mom, and they had a huge fight. An apparently that's when she said something in the lines of "I can't believe you're letting that [slur] back into your home after getting rid of her"

And that's when the coin dropped for dad, and he realized how much of a fool he has been. They kicked Ebby out, Laby came to pick her up and they had another fight. Dad actually wanted to act as nothing had happened. Continue with me visiting, and rebuilding the relationship.

But Steh put her foot down and said he needed to come clean, about everything, not only to me but Cassie, and everyone as well. And so we came to the present. I was crying, Steh was crying, Cassie was crying, Dad was crying, Aunt was crying, Grampa was crying, Gramma who hadn't said a single word was holding me tight.

According to dad, that's all. No more lies, no more deception. Dad and Steh left after that. I sleeped at grampa's because I was in no state to drive. Came home this morning, took a long shower. Cried a lot. And now I'm typing this out to see if it helps me make sense of all of this. Make sense of my thoughts and feelings.

I guess that's the end of the story. I don't know what I'm gonna do now. I feel sad, angry, sorry for Steh and Cassie. I feel everything and nothing. I'll be calling my therapist tomorrow to see if we can book more sessions. I've been going every friday, but I can't wait a whole week. On the bright side, whoever had bet "Evil step-grandmother", won.

Commenters had a lot to say in response.

Substantial-Chef-521 wrote:

Yeah, I can clearly tell why your dad's idea of being a big shot lawyer flunked and failed. This guy shouldn't even be given the task of taking care of a convenience store, let alone be a lawyer and be in control of someone's legal life. Was he hit on the head as a baby perchance?

Signal_Historian_456 wrote:

Family therapy. Work through this, take your time and if you can’t trust your dad after that, it’s absolutely fine. He smashed everything. And I hope they both cut contact with her parents and never let them around ever again.

OP responded:

Yesterday the more I thought the more afraid of what became of my dad's marriage to stepmom. She has been trough a lot as well in the last months and has two small children. I'll suggest to her therapy as well, family and individual. I also realized now that she doesn't have her mom's help with the baby anymore, things maybe be even harder to her. I'll talk to her and offer whatever help I can.

SweetBekki wrote:

It’s still not very clear what Ebby have against you? Her reaction about you possibly moving back in couldn’t be down to just making sure you don’t get too reliant on your dad when you’re older. Your stepmom also needs to stop getting pregnant and I think your grandpa should keep charging your dad rent until he learns to manage his money better.

Thorn_Road wrote:

It appears that Ebby doesnt like her because shes part of the LGBT+ community, hence the slur part.

OP responded:

That's what dad and stepmom have said. He said he realized she was a b*got and trying to push me away. I never had much interaction with them. When my parents were visiting them, I usually stayed with my grandparents.

So I don't know if that was like the last straw for him, and if they had said other things to him in the past. He never showed any signs he didn't support me, and neither have stepmom. That's why never crossed my mind it had something to do with it.

Sources: Reddit
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