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'AITA for leaving my own wedding early because the best man's proposed to his GF?'

'AITA for leaving my own wedding early because the best man's proposed to his GF?'

"AITA for leaving my own wedding early because the best man's proposed to his GF?"

So I (30m) and my husband (34m) just got married a week ago. We were having a good wedding until the speeches happened. Now I thought it was common sense to not do this, but during the best man's speech he decided to propose to his girlfriend. She said yes and all hell broke loose.

From that point on, no one paid attention to me or my husband nor paid attention to the event times. People starting eating early, the speeches were cut short after he proposed, on top of that he got the dj to play him and his girlfriend "their song."

Which incited a whole bunch of couples to do the same. For about 3 hours it was just couples running to the dj to play "their song" and hogging the dance floor.

When me and my husband finally got a chance to dance people were to exhausted and didn't pay attention, they instead went to eat. After several hours of this, I told my husband I didn't really want to be here anymore, and he agreed.

We ended up leaving, the only person we said goodbye to was our parents. Nobody even noticed we had left.

Now here's the problem. 3 days after the wedding a cousin of mine had asked me when did I leave my wedding, as she never got to say goodbye. I told her we left early because nobody was paying attention nor cared enough to.

She said ok and hung up. Now we've been getting calls from all our relatives telling us we're immature and need to lighten up. That we should be happy our wedding made people this romantic. So AITA?

Here's what the jury of internet strangers had to say about this one:

NTA. I thought 3 hours of carnage could only have happened if the grooms weren't on the intercom trying to rein people in, but if you were out there giving directions and people did their own thing anyway, that can only be a mixture of bad vendors and willfully disrespectful guests.

I'm sorry your night went so wrong, and while it's highly irregular, given the events of the night I can't blame you for silently leaving a wedding you were no longer in control of... I would have been in tears. Thanks for the clarification on the events of the night.

OP responded:

We did take the "reigns" they ignored us and paid the DJ to play their songs. They were also the ones who went into the kitchen to get the food ahead of time. We did multiple announcements telling them to stop, but nobody listened

Pink_Cloud90 said:

NTA. Oh my gosh that is the worst that could happen on your wedding day. How on earth could they be thinking its okay to propose on YOUR weddingday?! Even if you're so stupid to think that's okay, you ask the wedding couple!

And that they continued to steal the thunder is so not okay. So I get why you left early and that people are calling you that you're being immature. No, just no.

Your weddingday is about you, they should be celebrating you, you are the center of all the attention. Don't budge in saying you're okay with it with your relatives. They're all a bunch of AH.

And I'm so sorry this all happened. Is there a way that you could do another special day with your husband and people close to you and have a great day together? Like a small do-over?

greenglossygalaxy said:

NTA. What a selfish best man. I haven’t got a clue why people are this dense, or what goes on in their tiny minds to suggests this is acceptable….and then to play their goddamn song!?!?!

Again, NTA at all. You deserve the night you want for your wedding - and if that’s making the best of things by you and your husband heading off, then so be it. It’s no-one else’s business & no-one gets to tell you how you feel about things. Sorry, you didn’t deserve this.

_cly said:

NTA. It is quite clear that /your wedding/ is supposed to be about/your couple/. It's celebrating your love, not everyone. Proposing to someone at someone else's wedding is AH behavior.

Why would you steal the attention of the couple? Plus playing their song...You have every right to be pissed off.

I hope you can still celebrate somehow at a smaller occasion? And if I were you I would tell the dude that it was inappropriate. Congratulations anyway!

Deep_Sail7315 said:

NTA. You and your husband both wanted to leave. Your cousin called you 3 days after. It took longer for other relatives to ask about what happened. Your best man should have asked about proposing.

Sources: Reddit
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