My wife and I are from the UK, but fairly recently visited Disney with our 5 year old. Whilst out there my wife developed a taste for minute made lemonade, pink not regular although she says it’s the same as lemonade but “somehow tastes different.”
On our way back from our holiday she stopped by a shop in the airport and she bought several(? Or quite a few pink minute made lemonade).
Onto today my sister is visiting and spotted the drink in the fridge, asked to have it and I recall my wife having a few and finding a website to buy more (since they don’t sell in the UK) so I said yes, but my wife got home and had a craving but apparently the bottle I’d given my sister was the last one…I apologised!
She asked if she’d replace it “plus a few, since she’s pregnant and craving it” and I said no, because it’s high in sugar (she's a type 1 diabetic) and also expensive?
We’re on baby number 2, so maybe she should ease up. she wants to take our child back to Disney next year and go to the other parks like we did this year - we’re saving where we can, that includes little purchases like this. Whilst not actively swearing at me, I can tell she’s very pouty, although I think she’s just upset to be back in the UK… AITA?
drluerk writes:
YTA you say you let your sister have the drink because you recalled your wife finding a website to buy more. Then when your wife asks you to get more, you say no. That’s an AH move.
uhag08 writes:
Nailed it. That's why he didn't bother to ask 'hey, you see another one in the fridge?' before giving it away and refuses to let his sister replace it. He got to have his sister do the dirty work for him without her knowing. YTA.
maet writes:
You see, what OP meant was that the wife found a website where she could buy more with her own money, not that she would hold him responsible for his inconsiderate actions.
He sure liked offering a special and hard to get drink to a guest and showing off how far-travelled and sophisticated he is. But having to own up to his own mistakes and making them right? Suddenly there’s a host of reasons why he shouldn’t have to replace what he oh so generously gave to his sister.
Op, YTA and a massive one. Even if your wife wasn’t pregnant, you should get her some lemonade and apologize. By giving away her special treat and then brushing her off you show her that you prioritize other people’s impression of you over her and don’t really care about her happiness or comfort.
(And tbh, the diabetes excuse is plain insulting, your wife’s a grown woman and has lived in her body her whole life. Why do you assume you can decide what she can and can‘t eat better than she can?)
Also, you’re being a really bad example to your kid by demonstrating that it’s alright to take something that doesn’t belong to you and not apologize. Even if you „win“ this argument with your wife and not replace the lemonade, her impression of you won’t be you caring for her or being the more reasonable one...
you‘ll seem like an insecure cheapskate who seeks validation from others and would rather cheap out on his loved ones and protect his fragile ego than owning up to his shortcomings. Is that who you want to be?
YTA and you already know it, 30 minutes after you having posted this and 99% of the commenters consider you as the AH. Yet, instead of acknowledging these answers, you just ignore them, the only comment to which you replied is the one doubting your abilities as a father.
I may be the AH, I’m not going to debate because I asked for people’s opinions but I don’t appreciate being called a bad dad over lemonade.
How about a bad husband? That’s more accurate. Although by the way you speak about your wife you clearly are okay with being a bad hubby.