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'AITA for asking a date where he was from because he sounded a bit different than me?'

'AITA for asking a date where he was from because he sounded a bit different than me?'


"AITA for asking a date where he is from"

Extreme-Ratio2109 writes:

I want to preface this by saying two things. I am not a native English speaker, so I apologize for any weird phrases or wrong words. Second, and important to my story: I am legally blind. I have RP (retinitis pigmentosa) and, in addition, ~-4 in both eyes. I am able to type this using both the speech-to-text function and other various accessibility tools. In real life, I use a cane, but otherwise, I am independent.

Now, I say this not as an excuse, but to justify and underline my side of the story. I (F24) recently started dating for the first time. I didn't know how to get into it, so my friend suggested setting me up on a blind date (haha), and I agreed.

She gave me his (M26) name, and we arranged when and where to meet. It was a nice, warm day, although a little snowy, so I decided to get there a little early in case it would be hard to navigate. I found the restaurant (I've been there before) and sat down at the booked table.

The guy shows up, and we start chatting. I pick up a slight accent and ask where he is from. Now, here is where I might be the AH due to my phrasing. He laughs and tells me he's "local." I giggle and push it a little more, saying, "Haha, no, I can tell you're not from here."

The guy stops laughing, silently gets up, and leaves. I'm confused and sit there for a few minutes waiting, in case I misunderstood the situation and he went to the restroom or something, but he doesn't come back. So I pay for the drinks, cancel the food, and leave.

I call the friend who set us up once I'm home, and she tells me, "He thought you acted like such an a$%^ole." I was apparently rude as f%&* and was looking at anything but him during the conversation. I am so confused.

The last part I can understand, as being blind makes it hard to know what I'm looking at, but the rest leaves me super confused. Here's where I could be the AH: my friend also explained to me during our call that he is from the same country as me (although from the part where they also speak another langxmething inappropriate? AITA?

Here are the top rated comments from the post with some of OP's responses:

SereneIsla says:

NTA cause basically you cannot see him and you didn't mean it that way, it was a misunderstanding. he might be sensetive with thaht part because of his past, but I know you didn't mean the bad way.

GreekAmericanDom says:

INFO. Did he know you are blind and could not see the tone of his skin?

OP responded:

I am unsure, but will ask my friend. I will let you know. I was having my cane rest up on my chair and I’ve been previously told I «look visibly blind» so, again, I am unsure.

OkSecretary1231 says:

YTA. You just did the "Where are you reeeealllly from?" conversation. It's something everyone who has nonwhite features or an accent has heard a million times.

What do you think?

Sources: Reddit
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