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'AITA for taking revelry in my ex-husband being upset at my daughter's wedding?'

'AITA for taking revelry in my ex-husband being upset at my daughter's wedding?'

AITA for not caring about ex-husband's feelings at my daughter's wedding?

AbbreviationsFit6716 writes:

My divorce was finalized two years before my middle daughter got married. My ex-husband already had a new girlfriend lined up, and the day the judge signed the divorce papers, he asked the girls if they were okay with him dating again.

Mind you, he had moved to another state, and the girls wouldn’t have even known he was dating. He invited the girls to his new place for a weekend, and when they got there, his new girlfriend was already there. My daughters were uncomfortable and upset that he had not intended to spend any time with them without his new girlfriend in attendance.

After that, he began to distance himself from our three daughters and soon started a new family. He was remarried within 8 months, and their first child was born the following year. I made sure to maintain a good relationship with the girls as much as I could. They were all grown and either living on their own or in college.

When one of my daughters told me she was getting married and wanted me (and not her father) to walk her down the aisle, I was overjoyed. I was in the moment and did not care at all how this would affect her father. He chose not to help her out with the wedding at all, and then told her that his buying a plane ticket to be at the wedding was her wedding gift.

At the wedding, he and his new family were seated at the far end of the first row of seats (I had the first seat), and their table was mixed in with the other guests (my table was right next to the head table).

After I walked my daughter down the aisle, I looked at him and smiled as big as I could. I know it bothered him that she chose me and not him. As long as my daughter was happy on her special day, nothing else mattered. I’m interested to know if AITA. I’m also curious to know how dads might feel if their ex-wives were chosen over them to walk their daughter down the aisle.

Here are the top comments:

TheGuyWhoEatsBagels says:

NTA. Just the line about how him being at the wedding was his wedding present just sums up this guy. He did nothing to help, just showed up, and he abandoned his daughter. Thank god you got a divorce.

wanderer866 says:

Certainly NTA. Enjoy that triumph. And while I would never be that guy, your ex sounds a lot like an old co-worker. Same story: had a family, was an AH, divorced, moved a ways a way, remarried, new family, still AH. Oldest daughter got married, he wasn't even invited.

He complained about it for a couple days, then moved on because he was still busy with the new family. Don't let that take any triumph away, though. He's still the AH in the story. Old family. New family. Same AH.

RedSAuthor says:

NTA. I hope his new family was watching because that’s how he will treat them one day.

Neonpinx says:

NTA. He destroyed his relationship with your daughters all on his own. He couldn’t even be bothered to buy a wedding gift because he is so narcissistic that he believes his selfish presence is a present. If he had been a better father he would have been the one to walk your daughter down the aisle. Why should you care about his feelings? He no longer is your problem to deal with.

What do you think?

Sources: Reddit
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