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'AITA for not following 'girl code' and leaving a woman stranded after she insulted me?'

'AITA for not following 'girl code' and leaving a woman stranded after she insulted me?'

"AITA for leaving a woman stranded after she insulted me while I was trying to help her?"

Dear-Artist9709 writes:

So, this morning was freezing—like 12 degrees with a brutal wind chill. I was heading to work when I noticed a woman standing next to her car with its hood up in the grocery store parking lot. She was waving her arms at passing cars, clearly in distress. I’m not a car expert, but I know how to jump a battery, so I figured I’d stop and help her out. As a note, I'm a woman as well.

I pulled over, rolled down my window, and asked if she needed a jump. She immediately came over to my car and started going off, saying, “Finally! What took you so long? Are you blind? I’ve been stuck here forever!”

I didn’t let her attitude bother me and grabbed my jumper cables. As I was hooking them up, she barely acknowledged me and just stood there scrolling on her phone. I told her to try starting the car, but it didn’t work right away.

I explained that sometimes the battery needs a few minutes to charge, and she totally flipped out. She said, “Are you even doing this right? What’s the point of stopping if you’re just wasting my time?”

I tried to stay calm and suggested she be patient, but she then looked at my car (which is admittedly not that nice-looking) and said, “Figures, you drive a piece of junk and you’re trying to help me. I should’ve waited for someone who actually knows what they’re doing, like a man.”

At that point, I was done. I unhooked the cables, packed everything up, and started walking back to my car. She shouted, “Where are you going? You can’t just leave me here!” I turned around and said, “Watch me,” and got in my car to drive off. As I left, she threw her coffee cup at my car and cursed me out.

So, AITA for walking away and leaving her stranded? I feel like I was just trying to help, but her attitude was completely uncalled for. Plus, it admittedly is unsafe for a woman to be stuck somewhere with car troubles. My friend said I should have helped her because of "girl code," but I think she broke girl code first.

Here are the top rated comments from readers.

deathtodickens says:

You stayed far too long. I would have driven off the moment she opened her mouth to say, “Finally!” You are clearly NTA in this situation.

Glum-Ad-4736 says:

NTA. "Girl Code" says that if someone is helping you, you act reasonably thankful. You also behave like other people have feelings, because we're all in this together. "Entitled Code" says other people are obligated to help you because you demand they do it. You behave like your feelings and needs are far more valid, because hey, it's you and you're special.

Girl Code gets you a tampon or a quick way out of a bad date if you need one. Entitled Code gets you frozen feet as you watch girls who would have had your back get disgusted and drive away making the "whatever" gesture in the rear view mirror.

Fun_Alarm786 says:

This cant be real. Like for real? Someone can be that ungrateful and that abusive to a complete stranger? Why would even question ur actions NTA.

Maleficent_Sir1350 says:

Nope . They need to learn respect and when to shut up you did the right thing.

What do you think?

Sources: Reddit
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