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'AITA for putting a lock on my bunker so my neighbors can't use it?'

'AITA for putting a lock on my bunker so my neighbors can't use it?'


AITAH for locking our neighbors out of our bunker?

Icy-Face9463 writes:

Last year, we bought a house that came with a big bunker. I planned to use it as a studio/office because it's perfect for blocking sound. I finally started converting the space. Since I will be keeping expensive equipment down there, I’ve just had a heavy-duty lock installed.

Apparently, the neighbors' kids used to play in it before and realized it was locked now, so their dad came around to talk to me about it. He said the previous neighbor always left it unlocked so they could use it in case of a tornado. It’s a big safety concern for him and his family that we’ve now put a lock on it, as they don’t have a basement.

He wants to come to some compromise about it. I said if there’s ever a tornado, we would let them come in with us. He said that’s not enough though because he noticed we’re out a lot.

So, he wants the code to the lock so they can get in if there’s an emergency. He would also give his kids the code just in case they’re home alone (they are for several hours every day after school) and can’t reach him or their mom.

The thing is, I don’t know my neighbor or trust him or his kids. I don’t want them to mess with my stuff, or they could give the code out to other people, and my things could get stolen. It just seems shady and not like a good idea to me.

Here are the top comments:

shammy_dammy says:

NTA. No, no 'compromise'. No code. He's pretty damned bold, isn't he?

Ok_Distribution_2603 says:

Your neighbor is a whole adult human. His potential emergency does not constitute a crisis for you. He can make other contingency plans (or move into a house with a basement) and his kids can play somewhere else.

You’re NTA. You also have permission not to worry about being perceived as an asshole by using the word “No.” Your neighbor needs to hear you directly and clearly.

Lucky-Guess8786 says:

Don't do it. If your expensive equipment is damaged or stolen you will have no recourse because you handed out the code. You might as well leave your front door open for anyone to wander in. Explain to the neighbour that it is your property and the old owners sold it.

If they need a bunker, they will have to build one. If you are home and an emergency arises, you will share your bunker. If you are not home, they will need to have other arrangements in place. That is their responsibility as adults and home owners. NTA.

midwest73 says:

NTA, not his property, nothing. If he's so concerned, he can get one of those shelters that can be installed into the floor of a garage or ground.

What do you think?

Sources: Reddit
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