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'AITA for telling my ex's affair partner's wife that her husband was cheating on her?'

'AITA for telling my ex's affair partner's wife that her husband was cheating on her?'


"AITAH for telling my ex fiancé's affair partner's WIFE about their relationship?"

Rare-Garbage-7040 writes:

So, a few years back, my (40M) fiancé (39F) and I were talking on the phone. She was a flight attendant and not home very often, and she brought up breaking up because "I deserved someone who could be there for me." I didn't want to, but after a few days, I agreed to split up because it was apparent that this is what she wanted and was on the way out already. It broke my heart.

A few months later, she called me to talk and asked if I was seeing someone (I had started talking to someone), and she said she was "getting to know someone" as well. It turns out it was a male flight attendant she worked with. A few months before we split up, I had confronted her about this coworker.

As soon as they met, they started going out to eat, getting drinks, scheduling flights together, she'd talk about him all the time, etc. I'm normally not a jealous man, but I felt like there was something going on there. When she told me she was with him, I lost my sh%t. I confronted him, and he said he knew nothing about me and that they had begun "getting to know one another" the same day that she insinuated we split up.

How ironic. So I ask her for the truth, and she continues feeding me lies. She says they're not together, just getting to know one another, nothing happened before we split up, etc. Bulls^&t. Anyway, I catch her in a number of lies, including the fact that the guy is still currently married. I gave her an opportunity to tell me the truth, and she again lies to me. Frustrated, I contact the guy's wife and tell her all about the situation.

The wife says that it all makes sense now. Her husband was "getting called up for unexpected flights" quite a lot recently and was withdrawing hundreds of dollars each time. She wondered what it was all about, but now she knew.

Her husband was cheating on her with my now ex-fiancé, who was apparently living a double life. It turns out they were only "getting to know" each other's anatomy, and she was "getting to know" others as well.

My ex-flipped out on me, the wife filed for divorce, and lots of painful revelations were made, including the fact that she was never faithful to me and was moonlighting as a whole other person the entire time. AITAH?

Here are the top comments:

BlueGreen_1956 says:

NTA. Yikes! It sounds like you dodged a bullet and saved the man's wife as well.

Impossible-Dark7044 says:

Definitely NTA. I hope both you and the guys wife tests done. Be happy you found all this out and that you did not marry that person. Also hope you got the ring back. Block her everywhere and never have contact again. Also don't get "serious" with people you rarely see in person. That's a recipe for disaster.

tooloudforsami says:

NTA. Good for you saying no to that AH.

virtualchoirboy says:

NTA. Cheaters deserve to be exposed. It's one of the worst things you can do to someone you supposedly love. If the relationship is bad, leave before you go looking for someone else. Don't even monkey branch. Actions have outcomes. Hope they enjoy the outcomes of their actions.

What do you think?

Sources: Reddit
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