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'AITA for telling my sister that her inaction is why she has to now deal with her pregnancy?'

'AITA for telling my sister that her inaction is why she has to now deal with her pregnancy?'

"AITA for telling my sister she deserved what she got?"

anxiouslittlesister writes:

So, I'm 22F, and my sister Klara (28F) is married to Justin (25M) for over a year. She never wanted kids, and her husband, though he said he did, said he's fine with whatever she decides and even said he's okay with adopting (he himself was adopted by his uncle).

But she got pregnant and told everyone she was happy but then realized she does not actually want it and confessed about it to me. She was almost 2 months along when she said it.

I immediately told her she does not have much time, that she is free to choose to have a baby next year or in two years. She agreed but said she just wants it to be a miscarriage and tried sitting in a hot bathtub and other ancient miscarriage options that never work.

I told her she's stupid, that the fetus won't magically disappear, and she needs to take action right now, lest it's too late. But she is very lazy and overslept several doctors' appointments. I even said I could go buy the needed medications and bring them to her. But I reminded her she was running out of time for pills, as they only work for 6–8 weeks.

She basically said she does not want to think about it. Well, I sighed and said it's her choice. Choosing inaction is a choice too. She is 3 months pregnant now, and she says every day how terrible she feels, how she is sleepy and getting fat, and how she wishes for a miscarriage, regretting that she is too late for action.

I was mad, and I told her that she deserves everything because I told her many times that magic does not exist and she needs to take action now. What was the point of doing nothing?

Here are the top rated comments from the post with OP's responses.

softlavenderbreeze says:

NTA You gave her practical advice and support, but ultimately, her inaction led to the situation, and it's not wrong to point out the consequences of her choices.

OP says:

Yeah and I definitely try to not repeat 'thats ur fault' again and will support her. But I feel I absolutely had to open her eyes cus it's in fact her own actions, nobody else is to blame here.

Defiant-Bit1497 says:

Oh, Klara absolutely deserves this one. Honestly, you were more patient than I would’ve been. You gave her every option, every warning, and every reality check, but she decided to roll the dice on Mother Nature: Do Your Thing. Now she’s stuck, and yeah, maybe she needs to hear the “I told you so” loud and clear. Could you have sugar-coated it? Sure. But would she have listened? Probably not.

OP says:

I even woke up early for 2 out of 3 doctor appointments, made breakfast for her and waited for her to wake up. Every time she told me 'next time' 'next friday' 'next monday'. On the third I didn't bother to wake up because I told her if she wants to, she can wake me up and I'll go to the doctor with her. But that I can't keep waking up early every time for no reason haha.

What do you think?

Sources: Reddit
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