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'AITA for telling my boyfriend he needs to ask me more questions or else I'll walk out.'

'AITA for telling my boyfriend he needs to ask me more questions or else I'll walk out.'


"AITA for telling my boyfriend I will happily walk away from a relationship that isn’t serving me?"

Puzzleheaded-Hold566 writes:

I (29F) have known my boyfriend (29M) for a year, and we’ve been together for 10 months. There are a lot of pros to him, but ever since the second date, I have noticed my boyfriend is pretty indifferent about me and my life.

During a 2–3 hour date, he talked the entire time. The two times he asked me a question, he would cut me off and start talking about himself again. This behavior became pretty repetitive throughout the relationship, and I have tried my best to communicate how it bothers and affects me.

About two days ago, as I was driving, he called to tell me TikTok is back and immediately said, “I know you’re busy, so I’ll let you go.” I, in a passive-aggressive way (which I’m not proud of), said, “The drive is going great since I know you’re dying to know.”

This became a whole argument because he felt I was disrespecting him in front of my sister. The next day, we had a conversation where I acknowledged my shortcoming, apologized, and explained I let my frustration take over. I also communicated to him that I am unhappy in the relationship because of his indifference toward my life and that I need him to fix this.

I told him as well that I will continue fighting for this relationship but that I will not stay in a relationship that isn’t serving me when I know I can provide myself with everything I need to be happy and feel fulfilled. Now he is upset because my comment was rude, and I’m making him feel like he’s not adding value to my life. AITAH?

OP responded to some comments.

peachywhimsical says:

Sometimes we see the signs, but we’re like, 'Nah, I can fix this.' Spoiler: we can’t.

OP responded:

This is unfortunately the biggest lesson I got from this. The red flags we ignore in the beginning are the things that bite us in the a%# later on.

mynamecouldbesam says:

NTA how have you put up with this for 10 months? I just don't get it.

OP responded:

I guess I’ve just been trying to balance the good in the relationship and excuse this one thing. Definitely not great in hindsight.

What do you think?

Sources: Reddit
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