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'AITA for refusing to give up my inheritance because my dad wasn't in my life?'

'AITA for refusing to give up my inheritance because my dad wasn't in my life?'


AITA For refusing to give up my inheritance?

Worth-Promise4540 writes:

So, around a year ago, my dad, who I barely know, won a lot of money. I mean a totally life-changing amount. His then-girlfriend became his wife, they bought a few properties, went on vacations, and invested some.

All good, right? Not really, since we live in a country where you cannot write your children out of your will. None of the above-mentioned people has paid much attention to me over the years, until now, that is.

At first, I was so happy for my dad since I knew he had struggled in the past. I was close with my paternal grandmother and her main caregiver (live-in) for 2 out of her last 5 years of life, so she did tell me a lot about him and his life.

I always wondered, so I asked my questions. I didn't mean to be nosy or anything; I just wanted to know how everything had been since he left mom, as I grew to understand that borderline women are not for everyone. I did not blame him very much after my childhood with my mom.

Anyway, a couple of weeks ago, my stepmother accused me of only being interested in my dad due to him winning the lottery, and once I rejected that accusation, she asked me to prove it by officially giving up my future inheritance (children are entitled to sharing 50% of what would be left, so in my case with one sibling, that’s 25% of his wealth).

She offered to pay for the legal assistance in this. My brother added in, basically claiming I have no right to anything as my mother’s kid and that I’m not my dad’s daughter in any important sense, so I shouldn’t inherit.

Today my stepmother's oldest texted me asking if I had made up my mind. I told her yes and that I will keep any rights to future inheritances. She called me an a%@^ole for not seeing their take. She told me she'll call my brother and to expect follow-up later today. So, am I an a%#$ole here? Maybe I'm too in it to see it myself?

Here are the top comments:

Comfortable-Sea-2454 says:

NTA - it is your right and your brother and step family acting greedy by asking you to prove your intentions by making them richer when your dad passes. Your brother and step mom can go pound sand - it is your right, and even more then for them as your dad was more of a sperm donor until very recently.

Random-widget says:

Simple. You're not the a%^$ole (NTA) here. You legally are entitled to some of that money as a child of said now wealthy parent. Do not sign that away. If the rest of the family can't accept that you're going to get a percentage of that money...tell them "tough sh%t, chew harder" and collect that money when it is handed down to you.

BonelessCubone says:

Is it legally their money? No? Then they cannot tell you what you can and cannot do with it. Do not, and I cannot stress this enough, DO NOT give them a penny of YOUR money. NTA.

Away_Refuse8493 says:

NTA. The same could be said of your stepmom, that she suddenly marries this man who won the lottery. Moreso, they are showing their greed. $10million is a lot of money, even subdivided. What do they need *all* this inherited money for, once your dad passes? Your dad should watch his back.

What do you think?

Sources: Reddit
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