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'AITA for kicking my sister out after she stole my engagement ring?' 'It's a piece of family history.'

'AITA for kicking my sister out after she stole my engagement ring?' 'It's a piece of family history.'


"AITA for kicking my sister out after she stole my engagement ring?"

So, I (28F) recently got engaged, and my fiancé proposed with a family heirloom ring that means the world to me. My sister (25F) has always been a bit of a troublemaker, and she has a history of borrowing (read: stealing) my stuff without asking. I’ve confronted her about it before, but she always brushes it off.

A few days ago, I noticed my ring was missing. I searched everywhere and eventually confronted my sister. She admitted she took it to "try it on" and lost track of it. I was furious because it’s not just any ring; it’s a piece of my family history. After a few hours of searching, she finally found it in her purse. But she’d scratched it pretty badly and didn’t think it was a big deal.

I was so upset that I told her she needed to leave my house and find somewhere else to stay for a while. My parents are now saying I overreacted, and that I should forgive her since she’s family. I feel justified in my anger, but I’m starting to wonder if I took it too far. AITA for kicking her out?

Here's what top commenters had to say about this one:

WeeklyBloom said:

Tell your parents that because she is family, you will not be reporting her for attempted theft and they can provide her with a place to stay. They know she has a history of stealing, protect yourself by keeping you out of your home.

Tezzarina said:

She didn’t lose track of it, she stole it and kept it in her purse. NTA by a long shot.

bloom_inthefield said:

NTA. That ring is obviously important to you and even if it wasnt, she shouldn’t be borrowing or stealing any of your things.

Pandoratastic said:

NTA. Why would you forgive her if she's not sorry? And she doesn't seem to have even offered to pay to have the damage repaired.

Mackenzie_sweetie said:

NTA. Your sister “borrowing” a family heirloom, scratching it, and shrugging it off is way beyond a minor infraction. You have every right to be upset and to set boundaries. If your family thinks you should just brush it off, maybe they should lend her their stuff instead.

TheExaspera said:

NTA. Let her live with your parents and ‘borrow’ stuff from them!

sonegrita said:

You're NTA for kicking your sister out. The engagement ring has deep sentimental value, and her repeated disregard for your things, especially something so important, justifies your reaction. Setting boundaries is necessary, even with family. You’re right to be upset, and distance is understandable for now.

Sources: Reddit
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