My ex and I parted ways a year ago. Ever since it happened, the communication with him and his family has been rocky. He was not interested in providing for our child (6) and I had to apply for child maintenance. He's in debt with them (circa $1.3k), and has only paid about $120 in total.
I've not been on good terms with his parents (Amongst other things, they asked me not to apply for child maintenance etc., as their boy cannot afford it, and so on, so you could say we're not the best of friends).
Here's where the problem started- they recently found out about quite a few concerts I'm planning to go to- yes I'd posted about it, but they have no access to my accounts, I don't know how exactly they found that info).
Recently, during child drop off, my ex's mother got very upset about the concert mumbo-jumbo and started telling me off for making my ex pay child support I just waste on myself and so on. I couldn't hold it in and just started laughing, which aggravated her even more.
When she stopped ranting, and I stopped giggling, I told her, that her son's child support wouldn't even cover the travel cost of the trip, and they can rest assured that I don't live off of his child support given, that I wouldn't be able to raise my child on that amount, let alone the both of us.
I should've stopped there, but I also added that so far we've received approximately $10/month [note: I said that without doing the math, truthfully it's $11.09 LOL), which doesn't even cover the cost of fruit my child eats, so neither of them has any say in how I spend MY own money (Note: I'm not sure if it matters, but yes, I work full time, so I spend my earnt money). She called me a liar and stormed off.
Now their whole family are upset with me, saying that I was rude and they expect apologies. I was also told that I was an asshole for telling them how much I actually receive as it's put my ex in a bad light.
My friends are divided too- some found the situation hilarious and others say that while it was fair to stand up for myself, I shouldn't have told her how much I get in child support. In my defence- I had no idea it was such a big secret, I genuinely assumed she just didn't care about the amount, and just focused on the idea of me getting any money from them).
Also, it's worth noting: My child didn't witness this interaction, she was already indoors, I'm sure it would've gone differently (I would've stopped the rant sooner) with the kid present. So, AITA for laughing and telling her how much childs support I've been receiving?
Frankifile said:
Nope I told everyone about the $10 per month my kids were expected to live off to anyone who told me I was living off of ex’s hard earned dosh. If he’s a deadbeat, make sure everyone knows about it, because I am not going to work my ass off to maintain my children in a good lifestyle whilst he takes the credit.
Ex was similarly upset because I set the record straight. Apparently I cause his manliness hurty feelz or something I couldn’t give a crap about. NTA.
hichamlolyouxd said:
NTA. Sounds like the ex's mom is mixing up child support with concert funding! If she thinks $10 a month should cover anything other than a snack, it’s no wonder her son is in debt. A laugh was the perfect response to that nonsense! Maybe if they want a say in your finances, they should start contributing something other than complaints!
CandylandCanada said:
NTA, but why give them any information about your finances or activities? If your goal was to give her the business, then it would have upset her even more had you simply shut the door in her face. There was no need for you to defend your actions; indeed, it only led to them demanding - completely unwarranted - apologies. Less is more. Tell them nothing, and don't post your business on SM.
OP responded:
I didn't give THEM information about my activities. I only have (supposedly) close friends seeing my posts, As I mentioned- his family should not have access to my social media account (though I may have to double check the list), so I did not expect it to cause any issues, I simply use it to post things my actual friends may be interested to know.
As for the finances- yes, I agree, I should not have carry on with the lengthy explanation, It was pointless to discuss the child support amounts, I simply did not know that they hadn't known. I just assumed that in their mind ANY child support was too much, considering that I "waste it on myself".
Frankifile said:
Nope I told everyone about the £10 per month my kids were expected to live off to anyone who told me I was living off of ex’s hard earned dosh. If he’s a deadbeat, make sure everyone knows about it, because I am not going to work my ass off to maintain my children in a good lifestyle whilst he takes the credit.
Ex was similarly upset because I set the record straight. Apparently I cause his manliness hurty feelz or something I couldn’t give a crap about.
HolSmGamer said:
NTA. You simply provided an explanation as to how you couldn't live off the deadbeat's child support. Also, he should be seen in a bad light if he doesn't want to support his own child.
bamf1701 said:
NTA. Your ex is a deadbeat father, which is among the lowest of the low. And the money he owes you is the obligation he took on when he became a father.
It is his responsibility and if he and his family had any testicular fortitude, they would live up to their obligations and not try to guilt you into giving up what rightly belongs to your child. You don’t owe them an apology - they started it. It’s not your fault they can’t take what they dished out.
New-Link5725 said:
If your ex mil is watching your kid on your exs days, I wouod just stop dropping her off with them. Ex can pick them up himself and spend time with them. But I wouldn't go out of your way to drop them off just pick them up. I'd limit the amount of time ex mil and family spend with kid, I can only imagine the horrible things their saying to kid about you.
And OP responded:
We've actually already been through this as it happened once. They know they can't have my kid when he is not around and if they attempt it and make my kid lie, they'll lose any visitation rights. Also, if I find out they feed her lies about me, we will end any communication and deal solely through family court.
In our agreement I taxi my child one way and they (usually the parents, I really don't mind who is the driver tbh, as long as she spends time with her dad), drive her the other way.
Any further thoughts? Sound off in the comments!