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'AITA for leaving my girlfriend without a house?' 'That's where the revenge comes in.'

'AITA for leaving my girlfriend without a house?' 'That's where the revenge comes in.'


"AITA for leaving my girlfriend without a house after she cheated on me?"

A few months ago, I realized that my girlfriend, with whom I had been for three years, was cheating on me with a coworker. The hardest part was catching her in our bed, in the house I had bought and that we shared together. I confronted her, and although she initially denied it, she eventually confessed between sobs.

She told me she didn’t want to hurt me, and said she started seeing someone else because she felt something was missing in our relationship. There was nothing missing, and what hurt me the most was that I always tried to give her everything I could. In the end, her betrayal and selfishness were to blame.

That’s where the revenge comes in. She had moved in with me shortly after I bought the house. I had always insisted on the importance of setting up a prenuptial agreement or some kind of legal arrangement to protect our finances in case of separation, but she refused time and time again.

She claimed that “love didn’t need contracts,” and like a fool, I trusted her words. But what she didn’t know was that I always kept the house in my name and made sure all the legal documents were in order.

After finding out about her infidelity, I went straight to a lawyer. I changed the locks while she was at work and handed her a signed letter, notifying her that she had 24 hours to remove her belongings from the house or they’d be thrown out.

When she came home that night, she couldn’t believe what was happening. She screamed, cried, and begged me to give her more time or let her stay a few more months. She told me she had nowhere to go.

I didn’t care. I explained to her that, legally, she had no rights to the house and that, since we were no longer together, she had no reason to stay. Plus, I knew that her new boyfriend lived in a small apartment and didn’t have the means to take her in right away. Everything fell apart for her.

The most ironic part of all was that her new relationship lasted less than a month after she moved in with him. I guess he realized what she was capable of too. Meanwhile, I’ve continued on with my life, in my house, more at peace than ever.

They say revenge is sweet, but what really made me feel better was regaining control of my life and not letting someone walk all over me. Is it cruel? Maybe. Did she deserve it? Without a doubt.

Here's what top commenters had to say about this one:

General-Recipe-4593 said:

You acted within your rights, especially since she wasn’t on the lease. While the 24-hour eviction was harsh, her betrayal in your own home justified your actions. You took control of your life after she broke your trust. NTA, she made her choices, and you responded accordingly.

Mallows_Muffin said:

NTA. She cheated and betrayed your trust. You had every right to remove her from your property, especially since she repeatedly refused to create any legal protections.

duckat said:

NTA. NTA at all! You protected yourself from a cheater and manipulative ex partner. Best of luck to you.

Mental-Science1288 said:

Absolutely 100% NTA. She got what she deserved. You acted like a man should when he is betrayed. She should spend the rest of her life in a living Hell paying for what she did. From the streets she came, to the streets she returns.

AkirraxInadaxx said:

Honestly, I think you’re NTA! Cheating is such a betrayal, and you had every right to protect yourself and your space. She made her choice, and you did what you had to do to take back control of your life. Love shouldn’t come with games or lies, and she brought this on herself. Sounds like you’re better off without her, so keep living your best life!

machinezed said:

NTA but you are more lucky she didn’t know you needed to give her more time before the eviction.

OpinionatedinVermont said:

NTA. She’s not entitled to the house but I’d give her the bed you found her in while cheating on you.

Electrical-Sleep-853 said:

NTA what did she think was gonna happen. She could just stay think in a different and have her new boyfriend over? She was delusional.

Sources: Reddit
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