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'AITA for lying to my husband that my sister is cooking the food he pays $750/week for?'

'AITA for lying to my husband that my sister is cooking the food he pays $750/week for?'

"AITA for lying to my husband that my sister is cooking the food he pays 750 dollars/week for when it is me who cooks?"

So my sister is a personal chef for some upper middle class families, mostly lawyers and doctors who work 24/7 but still want home cooked healthy meals.

My husband always complained about my disgusting food and he called me worthless in the kitchen. Every time we are invited to my sister’s or mum’s he would bite my head off about how they’re better. I know for a fact that I am as good if not better because I was taught from the same chef, mum, who’s a literal genius.

I had it up to here and said FINE we can pay my sister for dinners so for a year now he’s been paying me 750 to pay my sister. When he comes home he starts raving about how the whole apartment smells amazing from the delivered food and that only now he looked forward to coming home for dinner.

The thing is it smells amazing yes, but it is because the food is made in MY kitchen, by ME. The only thing that has changed is that I put my sister’s name on it and bag the money. Ha ha ha not even sorry. He is happy, I am richer and my sister finds the whole thing amusing. Everyone wins! She offered me to work for her too...

Here's what people had to say to OP:

NTA. Hope you have a separate account to put the money in that he doesn't know about, lol

OP responded:

I do! I could even quit my job and only work for my husband 😂 I swear! Some of his colleagues are contemplating hiring my “sister” because og the praise she is getting from my husband and she is too busy to take on new clients.

Hoping soon to be ex husband. He sounds awful and mean. NTA.

Are you reserved to just stay with this man? I mean you can take your looks, cooking skills and parenting skills when you leave and find someone that actually loves, cherishes and respects you as a wife, mother and human being.

OP responded:

Well, it is not really easy to get a divorce or be a divorcee here.

Is it AT LEAST possible? Regardless if it's easy or not, you're making bank to afford a lawyer. I guess it's just if you want to be tethered to this man indefinitely or would like some actual freedom from a man that just seems to enjoy putting you down. I know I'd try to move heaven and earth to get away from someone so s%$#ty...

OP responded:

It is very possible but it would put stigma on me, my family and my children. My children would probably be his too.

You're married to a world class a$#%ole who doesn't like you and treats you like dirt. I'm not sure you're winning here. ESH - you deserve someone better, someone who doesn't deserve to be pushed in a brimming septic tank. Why are you choosing to stay married to someone this...a%@#olish?

I don’t think he likes me very much no. He loves me but I don’t think he likes me which is confusing. He always wants me to believe that I am ugly too when I know that I am not.

It was after a house warming party at a colleague of his a few months after we got married and one of his colleagues had too much to drink and just said well, we have decided that you have hit the jackpot with your wife. My husband was very angry and then he started alluding that I was ugly after that day.

He sounds insecure and trying to drag you down so you’ll never leave him. This doesn’t sound like a healthy marriage.

Sources: Reddit
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