I (27M) hosted a small dinner at my place for a few friends last weekend. I’m no professional chef, but I enjoy cooking, and I spent hours prepping a nice meal. Everyone seemed to like it, except for my friend “Mark” (28M).
From the moment he sat down, Mark kept making little comments like, “Did you forget to season this?” or “This is why I stick to takeout.” At first, I laughed it off, but he wouldn’t stop. Eventually, he said something like, “Man, even a frozen pizza would’ve been better than this.”
That was the last straw for me. I told him, “If you hate it so much, maybe you should just leave.” He laughed, thinking I was joking, but I wasn’t. I made it clear he wasn’t welcome to stay if he was going to keep insulting me.
He ended up leaving, but since he didn’t drive, he had to walk home (about 20 minutes). Now, a few friends are saying I overreacted and that kicking him out was too harsh, while others think he deserved it. Mark texted me later, calling me “petty” and saying I made him feel humiliated. AITA?
Luxecurves_ said:
NTA. You didn’t make him walk home. You asked him to leave because he was being rude to you in your home. He could have gotten an Uber, taken the bus, or asked one of your other friends to drive him home. Sounds like he walked on purpose to make it more dramatic and get more sympathy for a situation he put himself in.
Mean_Environment4856 said:
NTA, Mark needs to look in a mirror. He was humiliating you with his comments. He chose to walk so he can play the victim. The fact your friends backed him tells me you need better friends all round.
Final-Context6625 said:
NTA. I can’t stand nasty people who just think no one notices. Lose him.
SockMaster9273 said:
NTA. Even if you don't like the food, you say thank you and eat it if you can. You don't make the host feel bad for trying or make jokes about it. He should be apologizing, not you. "I had to walk for 20 minutes" who feels bad for someone having to do that? Maybe if they were physically disabled but you never said they were.
OkraLegitimate1356 said:
NTA. FWIW I did the same thing to my in laws a few years back -- but they are senior citizens and I called them a cab, and it was 20 years in coming. Life is too short to have people throw sh%^bombs at you in your own home. Well done.
bluecirc said:
NTA! Mark chose to walk home, he had options and he chose to walk. I am glad you asked him to leave. Mark is a giant AH. I have been invited to dinners before where I was not wowed by the food. I would *never* say that out loud to the host, I would thank them and be gracious. I would then complain about it to my husband in the car on the way home like a normal person.