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Man asks if he was wrong to call cops because he didn't want to babysit his nephews.

Man asks if he was wrong to call cops because he didn't want to babysit his nephews.

When you have children, it's nice to have your adult siblings to help care for them. Constantly getting your nieces and nephews dumped on, you can get annoying. On a popular Reddit thread on the Am I the A**hole Subreddit, one man has had enough of his brother dropping his kids on him.

AITA for calling the police after my brother dropped off his two kids at my workplace?

Kids have to get warm before meeting someone new.

My m31, brother m36 is a single (widowed) dad of two kids (my nephews), both under the age of 10. He used to have babysitters but ever since he met his new girlfriend, he stopped hiring any help because his girlfriend claimed that she wanted the kids to warm up to and get used to her as the only woman in their life.

Jobs are like a T-rex. They'll go away if you stand still and don't acknowledge them.

So he started asking me to watch the boys whenever he had something to do. I'd help if I could, but I work a demanding job and must cover full-time. He, for whatever reason, refuses to acknowledge that.

A bold strategy.

Days ago, he was going for lunch with his girlfriend to meet her friends and wanted me to have the boys. I told him I had to work, but he begged me to take the day off. I refused and went to work. At 11 AM, a coworker of mine entered the office, and behind him were my nephews. I was stunned.

He told me my brother had dropped them off so they could stay with me. I was in a state of disbelief but also furious. I felt stuck and terrified my boss would see this, and I get in trouble. I couldn't even take time off because of how busy I was.

OP called a professional babysitting service.

Out of frustration, I called the police and explained what had happened. They got ahold of my brother, and he was forced to come to take them off me and get into trouble with the authorities, who spent hours talking to him. My boss eventually found out, and I had to leave work early and go home.

OP's brother had some notes.

In the evening, my brother called and started screaming at me, calling me names of all sorts and saying that I ruined his meeting with his girlfriend and her friends and caused him to get in trouble with the police. He called me a vile SOB and said I could've had the kids with me for a couple of hours or even taken them home and took the rest of the day off.

Should OP be ashamed?

We haven't been speaking, but his girlfriend constantly shames me for what I'd done, saying she treats the kids better than I do and that I should be ashamed.

GlassturtleOG says:

NTA (Not the A**hole): that's child abandonment, plain and simple.

Neenknits says:

“How dare you PUT MY JOB AT RISK so you could have a lunch date???” Is the response. Over and over. NTA.

RainesMist says:


Your brother's kids should be first in his life, not the new girlfriend. You need to talk to him about why his new girlfriend thinks his own kids shouldn't be around. Also, talk to him about where he thinks the relationship is heading because the longer he stays, the more controlling she's going to be.

Older siblings are so entitled sometimes they need a good humbling.

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