So I (26M) work from home as a freelance graphic designer. It’s a flexible job, and I can manage my own hours, but that doesn’t mean I’m not busy or working hard. My sister (35F) has three kids under the age of 7 and is constantly asking me to babysit. At first, I didn't mind helping out occasionally, but lately, it feels like she’s taking advantage of me just because I’m at home.
A few weeks ago, we were at a family dinner, and my sister made a comment about how "I don't have a real job" and that "I’m basically just playing around on my computer all day." I was pretty offended, but I didn’t want to make a scene, so I just laughed it off.The next week, she asked me to watch her kids again because she had something come up.
I told her I couldn't because I had deadlines to meet. She got upset and said, “You’re home all day, what could be so important? It’s not like you’re doing real work.” That was the last straw for me. I told her that if she didn’t think my job was real, then she could find someone else to babysit, and I wouldn’t be helping her anymore.
Now, she’s furious and says I’m punishing her and the kids over a “harmless comment.” My mom has been telling me to just let it go because “family helps each other out,” but I’m honestly still pissed. AITA for refusing to babysit after my sister disrespected my job?
anonybaby02 said:
NTA...the audacity of your sister to undermine your work, just because her pea sized brain can't comprehend it, and then having the guts to ask you for unpaid child labor is appalling. Plus ask your mother to help out your sister if she is so concerned.
7hr0wn said:
NTA give your sister an hourly rate that's reasonable for your work, and tell her she can pay you that if she wants you to babysit - since your work "isn't real work" she shouldn't have any trouble paying you for it.
Nice_Mine2708 said:
NTA. It’s pathological how she feels the need to degrade your career in order to justify asking you to babysit. That’s really weird and oddly entitled. You’re allowed to draw a boundary around your time. Respect my life choices and I’ll respect yours is how that goes. Pretty basic.
katjadavydovad840z said:
NTA. Just because you work from home doesn’t mean you’re not working, and your sister has no right to dismiss your job as “not real.” If she can’t respect what you do, why should you feel obligated to help her out? It’s not punishment—it’s setting boundaries and standing up for yourself. Family helps each other, sure, but it goes both ways, and she needs to respect your time and career.
VividChaos said:
NTA. So many people have weird ideas that work done on a computer isnt real work somehow. I don't get it...especially after 2020 when so many people worked from home. You'd think people would begin to understand. She's disrespectful and entitled. Nobody is owed free labor, even family.
Tricky_Dog1465 said:
NTA you have a job, a job I'm assuming that you enjoy, your sister opened her mouth without thinking about the favors you were doing for her and now you are done with those favors. She made her bed, she can sleep in it. Tell your mom too damn bad, you aren't budging.