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Man refuses to buy GF a new jacket after he throws hers away for making a 'bad joke.'

Man refuses to buy GF a new jacket after he throws hers away for making a 'bad joke.'


My girlfriend didn't answer my question so I threw away her jacket now she's mad that I won't buy her a new one.

PabloGEscobar writes:

At the beginning of this month, my girlfriend and I moved back to my childhood home for a few months. Since nobody had lived in my old room for quite a while, it was very cluttered.

So, a few weeks before we moved in, I went to my old room with my dad to get rid of old stuff I didn't need anymore, like old clothes and any other junk I found in there.

In the meantime, my family put some of my sister's clothes in the closets, as well as other stuff I wasn't entirely sure whose they were. While I was there cleaning and throwing stuff away, I saw a woman's shirt and a jacket in one of the closets. I took a picture and sent it to my girlfriend, asking her if they were hers.

She responded: "No, they are your ex's." Me: "Very funny, but wrong." At this point, I put my phone back in my pocket, threw the clothes away, and continued clearing out the room.

The next time I looked at my phone, I saw that my girlfriend, shortly after my last message, wrote: "They are mine, yes." Now, at this point, the trash bag with her clothes, alongside at least five other trash bags, was in the public bin.

So, I didn't feel like going through the trash to find them and left them there. My girlfriend has been unhappy about this since it happened, mentioning a few times that I should buy her a new one. However, I really don't think that's fair since I feel like it's almost entirely her fault for them being thrown out due to her joking with me at not the best moment.

Today, she sent me a picture of the same or a similar jacket from a store and asked if she can use my money to buy it. I responded that I am willing to pay for half of it, to which she responded: "I already paid for it once before." AITA for throwing away the jacket and not wanting to buy a new one?

Here are some of the top comments from the post:

_Prncss_brde_sux_ says:

YTA (You're the A%#hole) for throwing away good clothes that you could be donating to help those in need.

Mean_Suit_9222 says:

YTA for every single thing in the post YTA for throwing perfectly good clothes in the trash when they could be of use to someone else. YTA for throwing away clothes that you didn't know who they belonged to.

YTA for not going to get the jacket when you realized your mistake. YTA for not making it up to her for your mistake. YTA through out.

Tough_Crazy_8362 says:

You’re honestly saying if the roles were reversed you wouldn’t expect her to replace it? YTA.

What do you think? Should OP buy his girlfriend a new jacker, or is he right that this is her fault?

Sources: Reddit
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