I (22M) am spending Christmas with my girlfriend (22F) and her family. A few nights ago my girlfriend wanted me to watch "The Sound of Music" with her and her sister (17F) cuz they love it and watch it every year on Christmas.
The problem is I really can't stand musicals, no offense to anybody who likes them, I just can't stand them, the whole thing is just so silly and unrealistic and I just can't bring myself to suspend my disbelief enough to enjoy it.
So I said "no you can watch it we with your sister, I'll watch something else " she said "oh come on, give it a try I bet you'll love it " to which I said "no I'm fine, you guys enjoy it. I'm not into musicals." She pressured me a bit more to watch it with them but I insisted would just do something else and left.
The next day she was kinda upset and not wanting to talk to me, I asked her what was wrong and she said it was rude if me to just dismiss "The Sound of Music" and say I don't like it without ever having seen it.
I told her she knew I didn't like musicals and she should've known I wouldn't want to watch it, but she said I should've at least given it a chance instead of dismissing it like I did. AITA?
Any_Comedian2468 said:
YTA. My husband HATES musicals but every year for Christmas he takes me to see Les Miserables in the theater (and pay about $200 for tickets) because he loves me. And he doesn’t complain even though I know he isn’t a fan. He also watches musicals with me if I want to watch them.
I also ran a marathon with him even though I hate running because I love him. I did a mud run in the mountains with him and crawled under barbed wire. It was terrible. I go camping with him in the back country without showers or toilets. Sometimes we suck it up and do things we don’t like for the people we love because it matters to THEM, not because it is important to you.
IntelligentDot4794 said:
YTA. You can’t sit through a couple hours of a movie to please someone you love? I’ll bet she does stuff she doesn’t really like to please you all the time. I’d rather be with someone generous than with you.
Fayebie17 said:
YTA. Sometimes being in a relationship means showing an interest in things that you don’t care for but the other person really enjoys or wants to do. It’s a holiday tradition, you’re staying with her family, this is something she loves, she wanted to involve you in it.
Your girlfriend is upset that you won’t give up a couple of hours of your time to do something with her that doesn’t benefit you, even when it’s clear it’s really important to her.
Careless-Ad-6328 said:
YTA. It’s a movie. It’s 3hrs of your life and something that’s important to your girlfriend. You don’t have to love it. Just don’t be a jerk about it. It’s the smallest compromise possible. Get over yourself.
venturebirdday said:
Presumably you do not play video games, watch actions movies, nor follow super hero stories either as they are so silly and unrealistic? Are you honestly so pressed for time that you cannot spare two hours of your life doing something that makes you're SO so happy? YTA.
Character-Blueberry said:
YTA. It wouldn't have killed you to watch it. Sometimes in relationships, you have actually take interest in what the other person's wants...if you actually want the relationship to last. You're young so maybe you'll learn