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Man scolds fellow restaurant customer for being rude to 'incompetent' waitress, 'it's just a drink.' AITA?

Man scolds fellow restaurant customer for being rude to 'incompetent' waitress, 'it's just a drink.' AITA?


"AITA for telling someone off for being rude to a waitress?"

So, I (22F) was out at a diner the other day with my little sister (15F). We were just enjoying some pancakes and milkshakes when this guy at a nearby table starts losing it on the waitress. Apparently, they mixed up his drink order, he got a regular Coke instead of Diet Coke or something equally insignificant.

Instead of politely asking for it to be corrected, he starts yelling about how “incompetent” she is, calling her names, and making the whole diner super uncomfortable. The waitress looked mortified and kept apologizing, but he wasn’t letting up. Everyone else just kept their heads down, but I was so annoyed I couldn’t help myself.

I turned around and said, “Dude, it’s just a drink. She’s a human being, not your personal punching bag. Calm down.” He immediately snapped back at me, saying it’s “none of my business” and that I should “mind my own table.” I shot back with, “If you’re going to act like a toddler in public, you’re making it everyone’s business.”

My sister said she was proud of me, but after we left, a few people in the diner gave me weird looks. Now I’m wondering if I overstepped or embarrassed the waitress even more. AITA for stepping in and saying something?

Here's what top commenters had to say about this one:

TabbyTuxedo06 said:

As someone who worked in food service for years and only had one person stick up for me, I'd say you'll probably be remembered fondly by the waitress for years to come. You gave her a bright memory of someone actually treating her like a human.

Working in food service broke me down mentally. I'm not that strong to begin with but being treated as subhuman day in day out for hours on end really gets to you. NTA and thank you for sticking up for a fellow human. I wish social norms didn't support the toddler tantrum and rather supported people like you.

Glum-Ad-4736 said:

NTA. I do wonder if the guy was totally a jerk, or if he's diabetic and really needed a diet, and only realized after he'd had a few sips and started flushing. Coke Zero and similar products are really close to regular taste now.

That said, you did the right thing. No matter what the problem was, the guy could simply have said "I'm diabetic/dieting/on keto and this really messes me up. Could I get the right drink, please?"

The waitress doesn't need to be told she or someone messed up, and let's use our adult words when getting upset with fellow human beings! The waitress needed defending.

Character-Twist-1409 said:

NTA...but people sometimes drink diet coke because they can't have regular...this could be due to diabetes or watching their weight or something else. So, it may actually be a significant mix up. However, there was no need to berate the waitress over and over.

Available-Fail-8090 said:

NTA. He made it your business when he shouted in your vicinity. Everyone who sat there and let him berate her sucks. You're my hero.

Starlass1989 said:

NTA - You totally were right for standing up for the waitress. No one should be abused for an innocent mistake. The only thing I'll say though is that even a simple mistake can be a big deal for certain people (e.g.: maybe that man was diabetic and couldn't have high sugar cola and needed a diet coke, otherwise he could get sick)...

So a seemingly insignificant mistake to you/most others may be a huge mistake for someone else. Regardless, the worker didn't deserve the abuse and good for you for defending the worker!

retfavdeca said:

NTA for standing up to the rude customer. He was being disrespectful, and calling out his behavior likely made the situation less uncomfortable for the waitress.

Sources: Reddit
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