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Man wants to leave 'insecure' GF after 'converting' him into following new diet. AITA?

Man wants to leave 'insecure' GF after 'converting' him into following new diet. AITA?


"AITA for wanting the leave my girlfriend because of her new diet?"

I (25M) and my girlfriend (25F) have been dating for the past 3 years. Over our time dating, we’ve been very healthy together; we’ve worked out together and even tried out new diets together.

Recently, while scrolling through Instagram I’ve gotten a lot of posts promoting the carnivore lifestyle. For context, this carnivore lifestyle involves eating massive quantities of raw meat, eliminating anything that isn’t meat.

I know that I’m no dietician myself and I’m no doubt only a newbie when it comes to nutrition but this diet truly disgusts me. Despite everything, after stumbling upon those posts, I haven’t thought about it much.

Anyway, for the past few days my girlfriend has been acting really strangely. I know she’s been struggling with her body image her whole life and is very insecure about her weight.

She is so beautiful and has a rocking body that I love to embrace every night. For the past few days her body image has been getting worse. Many times she’s been pointing out negative things about her body, has been hesitant to eat supper, been searching many diets etc...

Worried, I’ve always checked on her and encouraged her to eat but many times she’s been cold and distant.

Recently, I discovered that my girlfriend purchased a flight out of state. Confused why she would do this without asking me beforehand, I confronted her about it.

In her response, she stated that while scrolling on her Instagram account she’s been watching a lot of those posts promoting the carnivore diet and has booked a flight to go see a meet and greet of a dietician promoting such thing.

Frustrated and shocked about the whole situation we had a fight about it. The worst part is that she’s admitted to following the diet and even snuck in chunks of raw meat in my meals in order to “convert” me into the lifestyle. I was very angry and ended the fight on bad terms.

The last thing she told me is that she is 100% certain with her change of diet and decided to leave on her own. I’ve texted her numerous times but am still very angry with her. AITA for wanting to leave her after so many years?

Here's what the top commenters had to say:

Electronic_Fox_6383 said:

Wtf? She's been messing with your food? Time to exit, my friend. That is way, way less than okay. NTA.

JagZilla_s said:

NTA, she put raw meat in your food trying to convert you to some diet. She is ta, I would leave. No way on heaven or earth I stay with someone who put raw food in my cooked food cause they wanted me to try some diet.

That's risking a world of food poisoning and other issues for something you can just workout more to achieve. yeah 100% NTA.

everellie said:

Her behavior is bizarre to be sure. You are NTA for wanting to exit. I'd be concerned about the whole booking a trip without talking to you. That's not something you do when you have a partner. And sneaking raw meat into your food is really diabolical. And a little dangerous.

Besides all that, she's exhibiting a lot of signs of a serious eating disorder. You can choose to exit, or try to have her get help. I don't think I'd want to be with someone who embraced crazy-think when it comes to diet.

ValeNova said:

NTA. The carnivre diet is actually the opposite of the vegan diet: you eat animal proctucts exclusively. But your (ex?) gf is misinformed, because it's not about raw meat.

Eating raw meat is very dangerous and putting it in your food has put you in danger. So yeah, you're right for wanting to end things over that!

TheTrueSnarf said:

I am not advocating for or against the carnivore diet, I just wanted to point out that particular diet has NOTHING to do with eating RAW meat. It is a diet focused on high protein intake and excluding processed foods and carbs, mainly from meat, but you cook that meat.

You do not eat red meat raw. Not unless you enjoy holding onto a toilet for dear life for days on end from E. coli or something similar.

Stormfeathery said:

NTA. I'd say it's not even leaving "because of her diet" but because of lack of communication, being secretive, and overstepping with adding sh$% to your diet you weren't okay with.

BlueGreen_1956 said:

NTA Dump her. The fact that she "slipped" raw meat into your food would be enough reason by itself. She needs to spend all that time she has been worrying about her body on her mental health. She sounds she has gone off the deep end.

Everyone took the boyfriend's side over this wannabe carnivore. What's your advice for this conflicted man?

Sources: Reddit
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