Throwaway-986513 says:
I (M26) and my girlfriend (F24) have been together for 6 months now. She is a bit quirky, but I decided to introduce her to my parents. Since they live a few hours away, we decided to stay there for a couple of days.
Before leaving for our trip, I asked my girlfriend (I’ll call her Sam, fake name duh) if she could leave her blanket at home. The backstory on the blanket is that she has had it since she was a kid and claims she can’t sleep well without it. She said she would leave it at home, but in a way that made me feel guilty, so I caved and told her to bring it.
Fast forward to us staying at my parent’s house, and of course, she brings the blanket. My mom ended up having to grab something from our room and saw the blanket. When my girlfriend went to the bathroom, my mom asked me about it, and I explained the situation to her. She and my dad both made a face, so I could tell they found it weird too.
A few days ago (during our trip), I decided to take her blanket and throw it in the trunk of my car. When she noticed it missing, she asked me about it, and I told her I threw it out. She looked devastated and began silently crying.
After a while, she started throwing things into her bag, and when I asked her where she was going, she said home. I figured it was because of the blanket and said, “the blanket seriously is more important to you than making a good impression with my parents?” She said yes and made her way outside where a taxi was waiting.
I ended up giving her the blanket before she left, but she took it from me rather harshly. I asked her if she was still leaving, and she said yes. I figured she was taking the taxi home, so I said, “You’re seriously taking a taxi home over this? That’s gonna cost a thousand dollars.” Her response was, “No, I’m taking a taxi to the train station because unlike you, I’m not a dumba%@.” Which was very rude.
When I explained what happened to my parents, they said I was an a^%*ole for doing that. I don’t think I was in the wrong because I technically didn’t do anything. It’s been 3 days, and I haven’t heard from her since. Am I the a%#^ole?
Here are the top comments:
DreamingofRyleh says:
YTA. You pretended you threw away one of her most treasured possessions. It doesn't matter if it doesn't have value to you. It has value to her, and is something that, once destroyed or lost, cannot ever be replaced.
Your prank was incredibly cruel. She is likely currently considering whether she wants to continue a relationship with someone who thinks it is funny to make her believe the things she treasures are gone forever. If she decides to stay with you, you owe her a sincere apology. If she chooses to leave you, have the decency to respect that decision.
stophittingthyself says:
Why would your parents even care about a blanket enough to ask you? Do they ask why she brings her own toiletries too? Why on earth would they care?! I'm so confused. Your family are definitely the strange ones, (*at least they came to their senses) and you were cruel and demeaning for no reason. YTA.
coastalkid92 says:
YTA. Comfort items are not a crazy new idea, but more importantly, you knew this was a deeply sentimental item to her and you decided to toy with her feelings by "pretending" to throw it away rather than have a discussion. What you did was cruel and mean, it makes total sense why she hasn't contacted you.
Zesty_Mayo4570 says:
Yes, YTA, you lied to her about throwing away something important to her. Also, I personally think the line about the taxi to a train station is kinda fire. Rude, but kinda fire.
What do you think?