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'AITA for not drawing pictures of my step-mom and half siblings for my school art projects?'

'AITA for not drawing pictures of my step-mom and half siblings for my school art projects?'


"AITA for not deleting all my backups of my art like dad told me to because they didn't include his wife and my half-siblings?"

AnonArtistBrush writes:

I (15) like digital drawing a lot. My grandparents put me in art classes when I was 8 to give me something to focus on after my mom died. It really helped, and I feel like I've grown enough to make it a job someday. I already do some small commissions when I want some money. I keep all my stuff on my laptop, and I have it all backed up so I can keep it.

In November, my dad went through my laptop when I was at school and looked through all my drawings. When I got home, he'd deleted everything I'd made, and he wanted me to delete all my backups that he knew I had.

What set him off was that I had a folder full of drawings of family, but none of them included his wife or my two half-siblings. They got married five years ago, and my half-siblings were born after that. He didn't like how I could draw Mom into a lot of stuff, how I could include pets and grandparents and stuff, but not the blended part of our family.

It's not that I hate my dad's wife or my half-siblings, because I don't, and I never did. But I don't love them. I like them and care about them. I'd never want anything bad to happen to them. But they're not "new mom and full sibling" level to me. We get along fine, but when it comes to my personal art, I draw the things and the people I love. Some stuff I do for others or for art class, but the personal stuff is personal.

I wouldn't delete the backups, and my dad punished me. He talked to me after the punishment was up and told me it was time to delete them. Again, I didn’t. My grandparents stepped in to speak up for me, and my dad said they needed to stay out of it.

He blamed them for some of it. My half-siblings never did the one day a week with them. Their mom was home and wanted them with her, so it made sense. But Dad said that them taking me and my siblings for that one day made me think we were different from the halves or something. My grandparents tried to talk him down, but he meant it when he said they had to stay out of it.

I still didn't delete anything, and I was grounded for three weeks because of it, but it didn't make me give in. So he decided to take my laptop and my art tablet and told me I couldn't draw until I deleted the backups.

He said I could get them back when I deleted everything. He said there was no reason for me to have and keep art like that. He said it wasn't a good thing that I'd drawn so much that excluded part of our family. He told me he wasn’t letting me get away with it.

We're a couple of weeks in now. I draw a little at school, which helps me not go crazy without it. I do miss drawing. But I'm not deleting stuff that means something to me. I can survive three years of not doing it much. But AITA for not deleting it? My dad thinks so. He said he didn't know why I was being so stubborn about this and why I was trying to hurt everyone.

Here are OP's responses to the the top comments:

Aggravating_Meat4785 says:

You’re dad is wrong. You draw what you want he can’t force you to draw them. You need to ask to see a therapist at school and tell them he’s punishing you for your art which is a very meaningful part of your life and you want help discussing this with him with another counselor or adult who can act as a mediator. He is totally wrong and what he’s doing is wrong and he has no right to take this away from you.

OP responded:

We only have a guidance counselor at school not an actual therapist. My grandparents tried to get through to him but he told them to stay out of it. There really isn't anyone else who could try and would be close enough to work.

Tribbles_Trouble says:

Can you go and live with your grandparents? What your father is doing is awful and definitely won’t make you love his wife and kids. I wish you the strength to keep your artwork even in the face of such adversity.

OP responded:

Right now my dad has stopped us going once a week so he's not going to let me move in with them.

What do you think?

Sources: Reddit
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