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'AITA for being vocal about how expensive my daughter's French class trip is? $7K is a scam!' UPDATED 2X

'AITA for being vocal about how expensive my daughter's French class trip is? $7K is a scam!' UPDATED 2X


"AITA for being upset about the costs of my daughter's French class trip?"

Sad_Optimist5678 writes:

So, my daughter is in 9th grade, an honors student, and taking French. Her teacher planned a trip to France/Spain in June 2026. We thought it would be $3K for the trip, but at the meeting, the teacher kept saying how much she didn’t like the "cheaper" option because of hostels. She chose the more expensive option because the hotels are in the city.

She went through all the things they will do for 10 days, and at the end, she said it would be close to $7,000 PER CHILD! I was taken aback. This is a public school. I said, "Why did she choose the extravagant vacation? Why didn’t she think of parents’ budgets? Why did it matter so much to be 25 minutes out of the city if it would be cheaper?"

Mind you, teachers get a steep discount for this. For our daughter’s Disney trip in October 2026, four teachers get to go for free. It just felt like she should have chosen an option that was more affordable or chosen October over June—not peak season.

And I just don’t know what to do. My daughter is mad at me because I voiced these concerns. She said I embarrassed her, but I said what a lot of parents were thinking in that room. Other parents said they understood my feelings when we walked out of the meeting. Almost $7K for ONE CHILD!

I really do feel like these travel companies rip schools off. I really want her to have this opportunity, but we do travel as a family (Denmark, Sweden, Switzerland, Italy), and it’s WAY cheaper than what they are charging! Anyways, was I TA for being a little upset at the cost of the trip? I have apologized for embarrassing her. I explained why I said what I said, but my daughter still seems upset. And I feel terrible for embarrassing her.

Here are the top rated comments to OP's story with OP's responses:

Clean_Factor9673 says:

You can take a 10 day trip through a non-school tour company tor $5,000.

OP responded:

Switzerland and Italy (lake como) for our family of 5 was less than $6K.

totalcrutch says:

NTA. $7K for a school trip is absolutely ridiculous, especially when there was a $3K option available. The teacher chose luxury hotels over making it accessible to more students. That's elitist AF.

Your daughter's embarrassed now but she doesn't understand money yet. You voiced what other parents were thinking. A teacher planning trips based on their discounted rate while ignoring that parents pay full price is super tone deaf.

For $7K you could literally plan an amazing family trip to France AND Spain and probably have money left over. The travel companies are definitely price gouging here.

Maybe apologize to your daughter for the public setting of your comments, but stand firm on the principle. This isn't about denying her an opportunity - it's about reasonable costs for a school trip.

OP responded:

This! My family of 5 went to Switzerland and Italy for under $6K. I'm trying to figure it out. I will have to drive Lyft for a while to cover the extra $. I do feel bad that I was a little upset with the teacher for saying she ignored the cheaper option. I am just a little stressed right now. And yeah, I am very upset with the teacher and not considering budgets when creating this trip.

OP posted an update a few hours later.

I hope this is okay. I forgot to mention that with this $7K, they are still expecting the kids to have a room with three other students and share a bed. I have never spent $7K per person on a trip in all my travels.

I talked to my daughter this morning. She is visibly upset. I did email the teacher to express my frustrations about the cost and asked why she went with such an expensive trip when there were cheaper options available. Thanks to everyone who gave helpful advice. I told my daughter about this.

OP posted another update a few hour after that.

I talked to my daughter. It turns out her friends are going. I can’t believe people are just accepting this cost. I asked her if she went, would she pay for part of it with a summer job. Her friends are doing the same, it turns out: going to pay for part of this trip with a summer job.

I told her I didn’t agree with the price and gave examples of other trips from this post about it being overpriced. BUT, she really wants to go. She already had a job interview lined up this week. So, I guess if she’s paying for part of it with a summer job, she can go.

What do you think?

Sources: Reddit
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