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'AITA for tell my MIL and SIL their obsession with my name is weird?'

'AITA for tell my MIL and SIL their obsession with my name is weird?'

"AITA for tell my MIL and SIL their obsession with my name is weird?"

My MIL and SIL have this really intense hatred for my name. It's become an obsession to the point where they are in groups on different parts of the internet, mocking my name, commenting on how embarrassing it is to be associated with me, etc. My FIL is the reason my husband and I know about this. He has taken screenshots and forwarded them to my husband to show just how bad it is.

My name's Dove. I've always loved my name. But they think it's weird and a "tragedeigh." They have a few groups they’re a part of, and their only contribution is to mention me, mock my name, and criticize my parents for choosing it.

This behavior spills over into in-person interactions. My MIL spent a month trying to call me Diane because she felt that calling me a "normal" name would be a positive. My husband shut her down and said she either had to use my real name or not see us. He didn’t care which option she picked, but those were the only choices.

MIL and SIL (my husband’s oldest sister) have pressed me on why I won’t change my name legally and why I continue to use it in daily life. They’re really judgmental about names in general. Whenever SIL’s kids start a new class, SIL and MIL go through the class list and mock the kids for their names unless the names meet their approval.

A post recently made my husband say enough is enough, and we decided we won’t see them anymore. In the post, they criticized my name again, saying they were terrified that I would contribute to naming our future kids.

They claimed they didn’t want "little tragedeighs" being born into our family and expressed concern that I’d name a bunch of kids after myself and become the female George Foreman. My husband told them it was disgusting that they were running this internet hate campaign against me, and he was done with them.

They’re furious that FIL has been feeding us all the information, and they’re also angry that I won’t tell my husband it’s okay to move past this. They confronted me in public, and I told them their obsession with hating my name is weird, and I don’t want that poison around any kids I have. They hated that too, and apparently, according to FIL, they’re still furious I said that to them. AITA?

Here are the top rated comments:

Ill-Ad-2452 says:

They don't like you and that is the only way they can actually get that across without looking like haters. but they look like haters anyway. You're not an a%#$ole. They are bullying you like middle schoolers. Also I LOVEEE the name Dove.

Mother_Search3350 says:

FIL needs to stop taking screenshots and have his wife and daughter committed to a mental health facility. Calling them weird was mild. I would have called them deranged and unhinged. Who goes through their grandchildrens class lists and gets off on making disgusting comments about the names of other people's children? They are stark raving lunatics Definitely NTA.

Sad_Ease_9200 says:

Dove is a beautiful name. No spelling issues. Easy to pronounce. Perfect revenge would be to call your kids Wren, Jay and Robin.

No_Use_9124 says:

Dove is a fine name. There is another reason they don't like you and the name is the excuse. Your husband is right, and frankly, they shldn't be near any children you have.

What do you think?

Sources: Reddit
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