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'AITA for telling my roommate his mooch GF can't spend every weekend at our place?'

'AITA for telling my roommate his mooch GF can't spend every weekend at our place?'

"AITA for telling my roommate his girlfriend can’t stay over every weekend?"

hunteryumi writes:

So, I own my apartment and rent out the second room to a buddy of mine. Everything was cool at first, but lately, his girlfriend has been staying over every weekend. I wouldn’t mind so much if it weren’t for the fact that every time she’s here, she helps herself to my stuff—mainly my food.

I meal prep for the week, and I buy my own groceries. It’s not like I don’t share sometimes, but I’ve noticed that after every weekend she’s here, a bunch of my food is gone. Snacks, leftovers, even stuff like my eggs and bread—just gone. I’ve tried hinting at it, like casually mentioning how much food I go through, but it keeps happening.

Last weekend, I had a really long week at work, so I treated myself to some nice takeout and planned to save half of it for lunch the next day. The next morning, I opened the fridge, and it was gone. I texted my roommate, and he said, “Oh, my girlfriend was hungry, so she ate it. Sorry, man.”

That was the last straw. I told him we needed to talk and said that while I’m okay with her visiting sometimes, she can’t keep staying over every weekend and eating my food. I told him it’s not fair, especially since she’s not contributing to groceries or utilities.

He got defensive, saying that since he pays rent, she should be able to stay over whenever, and I’m making a big deal out of “just a few snacks.” I stood my ground and told him she needs to stop coming over so often unless they start buying their own food and being more considerate. Now, he’s pissed at me, and I’m getting the cold shoulder. AITA for putting my foot down after his girlfriend kept eating all my food?

Here are the top rated comments from the post:

KaliTheBlaze says:

NTA. But dude, don’t hint. Hinting often fails and then everyone ends up irritated, because you hold it in until you snap and the other person may not understand you have a problem until you’re well and truly mad at them, so they feel like you went 0 to 60 in a heartbeat. Clear, assertive communication is a far better way to go about things, especially with a roommate.

Gloomy-Adeptness7553 says:

NTA. Its your food but at the same time instead of 'hinting' about your missing food I think you shouldve straight-up told her that you'd appreciate it if she stopped helping herself to something thats yours. If she continues to do it after that then it becomes a problem.

piqueboo369 says:

NTA. Your friend is pissed because his girlfriend can only stay at your appartment if she doesn't steal and if she'll start being considerate. How on earth would that be a unreasonable request?

LightPhotographer says:

Charge him for it. He is freeloading on your food. Charge him for meals at a takeout rate - because now your mealprep is gone - maybe that opens his eyes.

What do you think?

Sources: Reddit
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