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'AITA for throwing my niece a birthday party after my sister threw her a horrific one?'

'AITA for throwing my niece a birthday party after my sister threw her a horrific one?'


"AITA for being frustrated and disgusted in what my sister and BIL did so I did something for my niece?"

StrawberryAwkward962 writes:

I’m an auntie, and I never want kids. My husband and I went over to my big sister’s house about two weeks ago. She has four kids: my homegirl Legacy (13f) and my nephews Leon (4), Leo (4), and Landon (3 weeks). I’m not very fond of the twins because they take up their sister’s attention and space.

Legacy just turned 13 two weeks ago! When it was time for the party, absolutely NONE of her friends came. It was only her cousins, ages 8-4, and I was pissed because, yes, cousins can come, but what about her friends?!

Her cousins are literally still under the age of 10, and most of them are boys. They don’t even spend time with her anymore because she’s “older” to them. She told me she has maybe 3 best friends she wanted to invite.

Legacy didn’t have ANY fun whatsoever. Her mom had a ball pit for little kids, a small water slide, and one of those inflatable water slides for small kids… it was hell, I tell you, HELL. In the goodie bags, my sister put a whole bunch of kid stuff in there, and I promise to God I almost peed on myself from being disturbed by the fact that she had a damn Minnie and Mickey Mouse mini drawing pad in there.

And NOT ONLY DID SHE HAVE BABY STUFF IN THERE, LEGACY DIDN’T EVEN GET A GODDAMN BAG!! I mean, yeah, it had baby stuff in it, but at least let her have a f*&^in' bag. Legacy couldn’t even do anything because her mom had her taking care of her brother.

She put one candle on the cake, which was confusing to me because she’s 13, not 1. But then she blew the candle out, and my sister put another one on. She told the kids to line up, and they all blew out the candles. I was fuckin' damned outta this world… like, if she doesn’t get her fuckin' shit together, I swear…

But then I left because I was so pissed. So I did what I do best… and took matters into my own hands. My husband and I were so mad at my sister that we decided to be the RESPONSIBLE AND INTELLIGENT ADULTS and give Legacy what she really wanted.

We moved the furniture in a room, added pillows, blankets, Squishmallows, and Legacy’s favorite snacks. I had a nail place set up, and I bought us some girly pajamas. Me, her, and her friend (not the boys) had a great time. Then the next day, my husband took her and her friends (including the boys) to a skating place, and we took them to go eat. It was the best.

My sister and BIL were mad that we didn’t do anything with the smaller kids and just focused on the older ones. I told her what she did two weeks ago was shitty and very immature, and she said I was a terrible auntie.

Here are the top rated comments:

misscaulfieldsays says:

NTA - if this is so reoccurring, it is some unhinged parenting that will forever make Legacy feel disregarded time and time again and teach her siblings that their wants are more important than her needs.

The parents should be more than onboard with one special day for one of their children at a time. You did a sweet thing and I’m sure she’ll cherish that memory and your relationship so much more.

FordWarrier says:

In just a few short years your sister is going to complain to you that Legacy doesn’t call her, doesn’t visit ever and she doesn’t understand why. Tell her the truth. I’m glad your niece has you and your husband. NTA.

Ok_Passage_6242 says:

NTA. Just make sure your niece comes to you next year around her birthday and you ask her what kind of party she wants to have. When you get lost in a family like that and she will, if this is already happening at 13, she’s got five more years of it. It’s really important to have people like you and her life To make it better.

Manky-Cucumber says:

Maybe it's my OCD, but am I the only one thinking that cake had to be gross after all those kids slobbering over it? The whole thing was a shit show geared towards the little kids. Good thing you stepped up and gave her a fun time. She'll never forget it.

What do you think?

Sources: Reddit
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