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'AITA for telling my wife her sister is creepy causing my wife to cut off her entire family?'

'AITA for telling my wife her sister is creepy causing my wife to cut off her entire family?'

"AITA for telling my wife that her sister creeps me out?"

Every-Ad2580 writes:

I'm (28M) married to my wife (27F) for a year. We have been together for 5 years. Recently, my SIL, my wife's sister, has been getting too close to me, and it is creeping me out. I thought of her sister as my own, so we used to hug, and I would kiss her forehead on her birthday or any other special day.

Recently, she started hugging me a lot. I didn't mind it at first, but when I texted her and asked why she was hugging me so frequently, I wondered if she was going through a bad time. I told her I'm family and she can always tell me if something is wrong, and I’ll help her. Her reply was that she wanted to hug me and asked if I liked it or not because she did.

I didn't say anything after that, but a few days later, she asked me to meet her at a café to talk. This is when I thought things were going too far, so I confessed everything to my wife and showed her our chat. I begged her to defuse the situation as calmly as possible, but she went crazy.

She cut all contact with my SIL, and when her parents tried to help, she cut them off as well. She blocked everyone from her family on my phone and told me if I ever try to contact them, she'll beat the sh^t out of me. Lol, guess she got too angry.

Now everyone in my family is saying I went too far. They think I should have talked to my SIL first and cleared it up instead of telling my wife, and they believe I am the reason why our family is broken. So, they stopped talking to me as well. Now I feel like a jerk and think this is all my fault.

Here are the top comments:

Turbulent_Ebb5669 says:

Have you asked your wife why she instantly cut off her sister and then her parents? Seems like there's missing reasons here. Your family have nothing to do with this issue. NTA.

OP responded:

I didn't ask her, i didn't want to hurt her anymore than she's already hurt, in time I will ask her but not now.

Individual_You_6586 says:

Your sister in law made this happen. And you did right in NOT seeing her at a cafe to “talk it out”! That’s a big no-no and a well known tactic to corner a person or to create a new narrative.

If only the 2 of you were present, she could invent any kind of story about what happened there! I think there is a back story that your wife didn’t tell you. Maybe her sister tricked her out of a boyfriend before?

OP says:

I don't know if her sister did anything like that, but I'll ask her once she calms down

Micaaa_Gomeez says

No, you're not a jerk. It's good you set boundaries and told your wife. It's unfortunate her reaction was extreme, but the situation is uncomfortable and you shouldn't be blamed for that.

OP says:

Yeah, I just thought I should've talked to her sister before I told my wife everything but I guess if I might have met her she would suspect me as well, I guess she went overprotective mode, she might have thought I will leave her for her sister I don't know. No worries I'll do something to sort this situation out and see what we can do in future in order to heal and fix our family

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