I (28F) work as a nanny for a wealthy family, and I make $100 an hour taking care of their toddler and infant. I work for 12 hours a day 6 days a week. My job is demanding, but I love it, and I’m proud of the skills I bring to the table.
I’ve completed EMT training, I’m a black belt in both Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and judo, I have firearm certification training, I’m cybersecurity certified, and I can cook meals that would impress a chef. All of this makes me a highly qualified caregiver, especially for a family that values security and well-being.
When I was 14, I was working for $10/hour as a babysitter and I watched a documentary on nannies in England who have extensive training and work for wealthy families. I thought, "Hey...I could do that!"
So I asked my parents if I could drop my drama club and take two more classes a week of judo and BJJ, which I had been taking for years but less regularly. I got my SHSM high school diploma, specializing in EMT training. I got my firearm certification at 18 and did culinary school. I obtained my current position at 26 and have been working with my family ever since.
However, my sister (31F) constantly belittles my job. She has a degree and works in a corporate office, and she loves to remind me that she has a “real” career. She frequently calls me a “glorified babysitter” and tells me I’m wasting my potential by not pursuing a “real” profession. I usually try to brush it off, but it’s been wearing me down.
The other day, we were at a family gathering, and she made yet another snide remark about how I’m just a nanny with no degree. I snapped and told her that if she spent half as much time working on herself as she does looking down on me, maybe she wouldn’t be so bitter about her own life.
I also pointed out that I make more in a week than she does in a month, so maybe she should rethink who’s really wasting their potential. She stormed off, and now some of my family members are saying I went too far and should apologize.
Others think she had it coming. I know I shouldn’t have stooped to her level, but I was tired of her constant digs. I’m proud of my work and the skills I’ve developed, and it hurts that she doesn’t respect that. AITA?
FranciscoDAnconia85 said:
NTA. Your sister is just jealous.
Money_Royal1823 said:
NTA, you had tried talking to her about it before and she won’t stop. It is normal to snap if someone keeps doing something that you have repeatedly asked them to stop.
superflex said:
NTA, and wow, I had no idea that kind of earning potential was available for exceptionally qualified nannies. That's awesome, good for you. Keep kicking a%s.
newtonianlaws said:
NTA it’s always the ones who dish it that can’t take it. Ask all those folks who say you took it too far what exactly did you say that went too far in response to her incessant nagging and disrespect about your chosen career.
It is a valid career and everyone should have told HER to STFU ages ago, but they didn’t so you stood up for yourself, you can thank the family for nothing! They are hypocrites for coming down on you for matching her energy.
Ok-Patience-8626 said:
NTA - As they said, she had it comin' and she only has herself to blame.
Amazing-Dealer4787 said:
NTA. Your sister sure sounds like an insecure one though.
Eva_Roos said:
No NTA, why is your sister not happy for you? You have a job which makes you happy and makes a good living. I do not see why she needs to degrade her own sister like that.
You' ve lucked out on the sister department. If nobody corrects an immature bully they will continue, you just stood up for yourself. No need to apologize, if you cant take the heat....