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'AITA for not helping my brother with his rent?' 'He showed up with a new tattoo.'

'AITA for not helping my brother with his rent?' 'He showed up with a new tattoo.'

"AITA for not helping my brother with his rent after he showed up to pick it up with a new tattoo?"

My brother asked me if I could please help him pay his rent. It was only $800 so I agreed. When he came by my place to pick it up I noticed he had a brand new tattoo on his calf. Like it still had the plastic on it from the artist.

I asked him WTF and he said he had booked the tattoo months ago and that it was an artist that was hard to get to see. I told him I changed my mind so he had to go get it from our parents that berated him for his stupidity and poor decision making.

He says that I'm the ahole because I agreed without any conditions and that our parents make him feel stupid about his decisions. I don't think I should help him when he had the money and chose to spend it stupidly.

Here's what top commenters had to say about this one:

JazzyCher said:

NTA he spent his rent money on a tattoo, and didn't tell you that's why he needed the money. I wouldn't be loaning anyone money who'd used theirs on a frivolous purchase like that.

I've lent money to friends in tough spots because extra bills came up and they didn't have grocery money, or needed an unexpected car repair and couldn't afford the full bill, but nah if they spent their money on something like a tattoo, that should only be paid for with truly disposable income, I don't have much sympathy when they're short on rent.

3r14nd said:

NTA. He should have had the money put aside for the tattoo when he booked the appointment. Not paid for it instead of rent when the appointment came about. He needs to be made to feel stupid about his decision.

Prestigious-Maybe-73 said:

NTA. I am sure if he told you why he was short rent money you might have made a different decision.

Something-bothersome said:

NTA. Absolutely not. You didn’t make conditions because you underestimated his capacity to be stupid. I’m sure you won’t make that mistake again. You don’t have to pay a $800 penalty fee for granting him some grace before you found out it’s misplaced.

Garamon7 said:

NTA. Honestly, your brother asked you if you could (please) help him pay for his tattoo. He just used a trick to rip you off.

hairybearman123 said:

NTA, although I will say - some tattoo parlours take 50% non-refundable deposits, or you pay in advance and cannot get that money back. If he paid the full amount in advance, months ago, then he might not have made a truly idiotic decision.

Rayonjersey said:

NTA “Don’t worry, I’ll also make you feel stupid for your decisions. So it’s just like going to mom and dad!”

Sources: Reddit
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