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Bride refuses to ivite late mother’s family wedding; 'they erased her wishes and controlled her even in death.' AITA?

Bride refuses to ivite late mother’s family wedding; 'they erased her wishes and controlled her even in death.' AITA?

"AITA for not inviting my late mother’s family to my wedding?"


I (29f) lost my mom (45f) when I was 21. This might be a long one but I’m really going to try and summarize. She had a turbulent (to say the least) relationship with her father growing up.

He disowned her for marrying somebody he didn’t like, the man who became my stepdad and fathered my sisters. He treated my sisters differently than me because he hated their dad. My mom got sick in 2015 with acute myeloid leukemia.

When she called to tell her parents, who lived in NY and we were in Florida, her dad responded with, “are you coming to Sloan Kettering for treatment?” She said no and that she was staying with her kids, and he said “good luck, hope you don’t die.” This was in June.

August 2015, she has pneumonia and is on full life support. Her parents fly down, and he’s crying and “not my baby girl not her” blubbering on and on as if he didn’t just send her off to her death.

They were SO “supportive” that they bought a house as soon as they got here. She lived on her own in a house her friend was letting her live in without paying rent. My sisters and I, me as her next of kin, decide to withdraw care.

Then she wakes up, with less than a 1% chance of living. We were literally planning a service. She was in ICU for a couple weeks before going home, but she still needed help at home. I stayed with her every night to be her night nurse, I work in healthcare, and gave her pills and her liquid/soft diet.

Then her mom, my grandmother, would relieve me in the morning. I later find out my grandmother wasn’t taking care of her and was going through my mom’s things and taking them. My mom was livid.

My mom became less capable of being alone. My grandparents basically said “you’re coming with us or you’re going back to live in the hospital” which they couldn’t do but she figured it wouldn’t be too bad.

So she moved in, and immediately they start controlling her. She wasn’t allowed to drive, she wasn’t allowed to go hang out with my sisters because they’d “get her sick,” but I was allowed to see her.

Again, trying to get through this fast, but my mom ended up moving in with my stepdad (the man they hated) which was now her ex husband at that point, and they weren’t on great terms but she wanted to be with the girls before she ran out of time.

She died the following August of 2016. It was in the hospital, and my grandfather wouldn’t let me go say goodbye or see her body because he was “protecting me.” I didn’t take that well so I shoved him out of my way and ran to her room with my sisters.

I laid with her body, and while I was crying holding her in my arms, he signed paperwork saying he was power of attorney, when I was. He then tried getting me off of my mother’s bed and putting his hands on me to which I started swinging again.

Now, my mom had very explicit wishes. She wanted to be cremated, with her ashes spread in a few places and her daughters with jewelry made of her ashes. No funeral, but celebration of life.

So tell me why I got a call from the local funeral home the next day saying they had my mother’s body and wanted me to come pick out a casket. I grab my sister, walk in, and lose my mind.

I told the funeral director that I’m the next of kin and that he has illegal possession of her body, and told him he’d be receiving a cease and desist from my lawyer later that afternoon.

My grandparents and uncle was there, saying they just wanted to give her a catholic funeral. I told them that they knew her wishes and blatantly disrespected them because she wasn’t here to stand up for herself.

We went over to get her stuff from my grandparents house, and the money she left my sisters hidden in a boot was gone. My grandmother had stolen it and used it to pay the funeral home. Called my lawyer and told them to add that to the letter.

Things snowballed. The funeral home sent her body back to the morgue but the morgue never received it, her body got lost. We planned the celebration of life, and still invited her family, and they decided to not come in protest and instead hold a funeral in a local restaurant party room out of spite.

They posted all over Facebook saying I “banned them from her celebration of life” and “took their last opportunity to say goodbye,” to which I had to show the invite I sent them.

Celebration of life ends, a month goes by, and we get a phone call from the storage center. My grandparents had auctioned off my mom’s entire storage unit and all of our childhood belongings.

Everything was gone. Everything. They were calling because the new owners of the unit were graciously returning pictures and personal mementos, but that’s all we have left of her.

I tried to mend a relationship with them thinking my mom would want that. Sat by my grandfathers bedside as he passed away. Visited my grandmother and saw the pets she took in for the family, as we were essentially homeless now.

Then, my grandmother needs a hysterectomy. Again, I work in healthcare, and I was on call the weekend after her procedure so I couldn’t come check on her. I told her I’d visit in a few days when I was off, because I moved and she was over an hour away. No response.

A couple days later, she posts on Facebook that she decided to put down our family dog without calling us first to let us say goodbye. I texted her again asking why she didn’t contact us. No response.

That’s when I cut them off. 2017. My grandfathers sister, my great aunt, reached out to my last Christmas (2023), basically shaming me for not reaching out for almost a decade.

I responded saying that they were the adults when this happened and acted like children. My sister’s were 14 and 16 at the time and they blamed them for things they weren’t responsible for. They hadn’t reached out to us so why would we even attempt?

Well now I’m getting married. If I don’t send them invites, more family will probably cut me off. But they’re dead to me. They didn’t reach out to my sister when she got married in April. They have my other sister blocked on all social media. I refuse to reach out and mend this relationship just because they’re family. I come from a very large Italian family.

Like great grandparents off the boat Italian, and me not speaking to them is a sin greater than murder in their eyes. So my refusal to them is a sign of disrespect, when they refuse to take accountability.

They always said, “we had to bury our daughter which is unnatural, how dare you” but we were 21, 16, 14, and homeless, yet your grief is bigger and more severe? I would never compare grief to say one is worse than another, grief is different for everybody, but because they constantly invalidate our grief even now makes my blood boil.

They disgust me. Their behavior has been vile and they abandoned their grandkids/nieces because we stood up for our mother. But I have like 30 people saying “really? You’re not inviting ANY of her family?” The judgment is high and I don’t know what to do.

I lost enough family as it is so I’m nervous about not inviting them but if they even tried to attend my wedding after not attending my sister’s, I think I’d raise my voice so much I would end up in jail.

The family in question is my dad’s family, her first husband, and they LOVED my mom’s family, and my mom’s family loved them. They always reminded my mom how she lost out on a “great man” (a gambling addicted narcissist).

But they’re literally all I have left. Even my stepdad, whom they hated, says “I mean they are family and I would reach out to them.” Am I being irrational for still holding onto this betrayal? I feel crazy.

Here were the top rated comments from readers in response to the OP's post:


No, you're not being irrational. They've shown no respect for your mom's wishes or your family, and you don't owe them anything.


NTA: You are free to invite whoever you wish on your special day. Ghosts can sometimes be somewhat erratic guests at weddings.


NTA, I've cut toxic family too. Protect your peace and happiness on your wedding day.


It’s your wedding, and I’m assuming that none of these people are paying for it. I don’t understand the question here. No one is entitled to forgiveness. No one is entitled to a place in anyone‘s life. Who cares if they cut you off If you don’t want anything to do with them?

You share DNA with these people, but that doesn’t make them family. Don’t give them one more second of thought or concern. You’re building a new family, and a life with your significant other. If it were me, I wouldn’t invite them.

Traditional-Eye-770 (OP)

Sorry, I meant the family I haven’t cut off, my dad’s side, will look down on me for cutting HER family off. I didn’t clarify, my bad!


It’s your wedding, not theirs. You shouldn’t have to invite people you don’t want there. I’m not a fan of big weddings, as I think they are a waste of money and a huge source of stress, but that’s a very personal opinion. I understand why people want to celebrate such a monumental occasion with everyone they love.

But that’s the point: it’s everyone YOU (and your significant other) love and value. I don’t think you owe anyone an invitation or explanation, but you have to weigh the decision. If people are going to cut ties with you if you don’t invite these people to your wedding, are they really that big of a loss. Or is it the trash taking itself out?

So, what do you think about this one? If you could give the OP any advice here, what would you tell them?

Sources: Reddit
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