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'AITA for ordering pizza while my friend spent over an hour cooking food for everyone while hosting us at her lake house?'

'AITA for ordering pizza while my friend spent over an hour cooking food for everyone while hosting us at her lake house?'

"AITA for ordering pizza while my friend spent over an hour cooking food for everyone while hosting us at her lake house?"

Disclaimer: i did not do this. I am posting this title from the point of view of one of our guests that we invited over. Because my girlfriend is upset and I think the responses may make her feel better

My girlfriend loves to host parties and especially loves to make food for everyone since she is a great cook. We are hosting a party at her family’s lake house. She shared the plans with everyone in advance, including what would be served for each meal from Friday night dinner through all three meals on Saturday.

One friend (i shall call them F) was being a little picky about the food, and asked if we could change the food for Friday night from make-your-own Tacos to a Pasta dish.

It was no problem since the group has lots of vegetarians and food allergies so we don't hesitate to accommodate anyone’s dietary needs. So we go to the grocery store and spend almost $300 on food for everyone for the weekend.

We arrive on Friday night and while my gf is cooking dinner (the specifically requested pasta dish), F says she is going to order pizza because shes “feeling pizza instead of pasta now”.

We’re like “oh ok. we aren't going to have pizza. we are making pasta.” F asks how many pizzas she should order. I reiterated that my gf is making food for everyone so we wont eat any pizza.

I said one pizza should be plenty. The fact that she ordered pizza wasn't even what bothered us. But F still insisted on ordering TWO large pizzas and feeding everyone else pizza, basically spoiling all of my girlfriend’s cooking effort and we put most of the pasta in the fridge as leftovers.

It was annoying and felt extremely rude since, not only did we spend a lot of money on this food for everyone, but this was the dish that F specifically requested us to make. And then not only did she not eat it, but she prevented most of the other guests from eating it as well.

She did the SAME THING on Saturday night, too. My gf spent almost 2 hours cooking a meal for everyone on Saturday, and F decided she actually wanted burgers 1 hour before dinner, and fired up the grill and made burgers for herself and all of the other guests. Is F the AH???

Here were the top rated comments from readers in response to the OP's post:


Not only is F the asshole but it almost seems like she’s doing this on purpose to sabotage your girlfriend. Maybe she is jealous that your gf always gets praise for cooking meals for your friends.

MountainHawk12 (OP)

Yes we felt like she was trying to one up my gf. But its weird because this is our first time inviting F here 😂


F is not your friend. I don't know what F's agenda is but it's messed up. Not only did F do this once, but twice. The first is barely excusable since your gf changed plans, basically catered to F's request.

Then F insisted everybody eat pizza. But to do it twice is beyond rude. If F had so big of a problem with the food why did she even go? Your gf went through all this trouble only to be crapped on by F.


Don't invite F to anymore of your gatherings because she is a disrespectful guest and the AH.


The friends also sound disrespectful. If I'm one of the other guest I would eat my own arm off before eating anything F ordered. Thinking about it, I'd call out anyone who went in for a slice that first night. They knew there was someone in the kitchen cooking.


I wouldn’t have let F grill the second night. I would’ve told her if she’s not okay with the plan shared in advance with everyone, she’s welcome to leave early.


I mean "everyone" at this party ate the pizza on the first night and burgers on the second night. So absolutely no one at your party wanted to wait for your girlfriend's food despite the plans being shared in advance. Either she cooks horrible food, she cooks really late, she doesn't communicate very well, or all your friends are assholes, not just one.


Yes I’m kinda confused on the “putting your foot down” part where you stress that you have purchased food for this purpose ON 2 NIGHTS. Might be a passive aggressive way of telling you your gf is a bad cook.


INFO - Why didn't anyone eat your girlfriends food? Personally, I would prefer homemade food rather than pizza.


I think there is more going on here since everyone else ate when your GF was clearly making food. I doubt these are really friends like you think they are. Or maybe you are telling the story completely one sided. Something about this just seems a bit off.

So, what do you think about this one? If you could give the OP any advice here, what would you tell them?

Sources: Reddit
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