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"AITA for being upset by my husband's comment about my baby weight?"

"AITA for being upset by my husband's comment about my baby weight?"

"AITA for being mad at my husband's comment about my baby weight?"

My husband and I moved when I was 8 months pregnant and I didn't bother unpacking most of my pre pregnancy clothing.

Recently we were out at dinner and we were talking about declutterring our house and he mentioned me just throwing those clothes away because I haven't bothered unpacking them yet. I basically said yeah because I was pregnant and still can't fit in them when I lose the rest of the baby weight I'll unpack the rest.

This man said to me "if you haven't lost the weight by now you aren't going to lose it" I am 7 weeks postpartum and have lost 20 of the 30 pounds I have gained. I had a c section I was just cleared to lift anything heavier than my baby a week prior.

I told him it was really rude and he said it wasn't because I was back in pre pregnancy clothing by now with our other 2 children.

Am I overreacting by being hurt and upset by this comment. Like I might hang on to the weight a bit longer because this round of breastfeeding I'm hungry and thirsty all the time but dang that doesn't mean I won't eventually lose it and not want to trash all of my clothes.

Let's see what readers thought:

apgal writes:

Your husband’s comment definitely wasn’t cool, but I wouldn’t say you’re overreacting. He should’ve been more considerate, especially since you just had a baby and had a C-section.

Seven weeks postpartum is still a short time, and everyone's body takes its own pace to recover. It's frustrating that he's comparing this pregnancy to the others when every situation is different. You're doing well losing weight already, so his comment feels dismissive of the work you’re putting in. Your feelings are valid, and it’s understandable to be upset.

pa4782 writes:

10lbs from pre-pregnancy weight after only 7 weeks? Did I read that correctly or am I going insane? Girl, it took me 6 months to lose the 40lbs i gained in my 3rd pregnancy (and I’m a holistic health practitioner who began lifting weights, Muay Thai training and running again after 10wks post csection).

My husband was very supportive and cautious due to the Csection; he even tried to discourage me from working out because he wanted me to recover for at least 6mo so I wouldn’t get hurt and told me not to worry about the weight because

(his words) “you’re the MVP in this house and I’m proud of you and your weight comes after you take care of yourself and our baby”. I know my husband isn’t the average dude, but he gets it and every man should.

crown writes:

Also, be sensitive and kind to yourself. You don’t need to justify your post baby weight to anyone. It sounds like you’ve done this before and probably know what needs to be done to care for yourself and your babies in a healthful way. It sounds like this conversation could have hit a sensitive point for you?

Are you hard on yourself? Anyway…I see a lot of ppl basically saying your husband is a total ah…and I’m just looking at things differently and feel hopeful that he can clear things up for you.

Hopefully you didn’t have multiple kids with an insensitive douchebag…and he can appreciate where you’re coming from, apologize and then be sweet and kind to you…at least for the remainder of the night!

Sources: Reddit
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