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Parent 'yells at' an old lady in the grocery store, 'have the day you deserve, old hag.' AITA?

Parent 'yells at' an old lady in the grocery store, 'have the day you deserve, old hag.' AITA?

"AITA for 'yelling at' an old lady in the grocery store?"

My 10 year old daughter and I stopped at the grocery store this afternoon, and while we were waiting to check out, a woman (like late 60s) gets in line behind us. My daughter and I unloaded our cart onto the belt, and then my daughter went around in front of the cart to start bagging our groceries.

I pay and reach to the cashier who is handing me the my receipt, and as I'm doing this, the lady behind me shoves her cart into mine with force and says "you need to move your cart."

She'd shoved her cart into mine hard enough that my grocery cart moves several feet forward and hits my daughter. My daughter was fine but very startled. I turned to the lady and said, "Wow, you must be in some rush to push a shopping cart into a little kid." And the lady looks at me, looks at my daughter, and rolls her eyes.

Now, I could've just let this go, but I didn't, so I guess here's where I could possibly be the ahole. If she had just apologized or something, I would've dropped it but after she rolled her eyes I said "you know it would be polite to apologize after pushing a cart into my kid" and she rolls her eyes again and says "whatever."

At this point, I'm pretty pissed but wasnt going to scream or swear at her or anything like that because that would've just scared my daughter, so I take my groceries, and as I start to walk away, I said "Have the day you deserve you old hag."

I came home and vented to my family. My partner thinks I went too far and should've ignored her because she was old, and my adult son thinks she deserved it and has had plenty of years to learn some manners. So, AITA?

Here's what top commenters had to say about this one:

aggierogue3 said:

NTA. Only thing you did wrong was not pushing the cart full force back into hers and knocking her on her.

QueisKey said:

NTA. I've yelled at old people myself. Just because someone is old does not mean you have to be subservient to them, especially if they're being rude to you and yours.

undeadponymax said:

NTA. Such behavior should be called out, and while it definitely won't change that person, it might show your daughter that you shouldn't just suck it up. And while calling her names might not be the best thing, it is a reasonable emotional reaction.

Curious_Platform7720 said:

NTA. You were rather reserved in my opinion.

JMarchPineville said:

NTA. She knows what she did.

Striking-Raspberry19 said:

NTA. People like your partner are the reason why old people feel like it’s their god given right to act like this.

New_Hearing4693 said:

NTA. She literally shoved her cart hard enough to hit your daughter and didn't even apologize. Sure, your response was a bit heated, but honestly, anyone would be mad if their kid got hit and the person didn’t care at all. It's on her for being rude and dismissive.

Sources: Reddit
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