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Parents fight over punishing their 7-year-old daughter for 'cheating' on her 'BF.'

Parents fight over punishing their 7-year-old daughter for 'cheating' on her 'BF.'


Raising a child is hard. When is the right moment to teach them important life lessons like saving money, the birds and the bees, or even having healthy relationships? If someone has the answers to these questions, parents everywhere will Venmo you for them.

On a popular Reddit thread in the Am I the A**hole Subreddit, a woman refuses to punish her 7-year-old daughter for 'cheating' on her 'boyfriend.'

She writes:

My husband and I have a 7-year-old daughter together, Layla. A few months ago, Layla got a 'boyfriend,' Lucas. They are both 7, so it's obviously not a real relationship. They hold hands sometimes, and they draw each other hearts for valentines day.

This week, Layla was holding hands with another boy - who also sent Layla a valentine's day love letter - and Lucas took offense to it. We found out because Lucas' parents called to tell us Lucas won't be coming over to us this Saturday as originally planned because he is mad at Layla.

My husband wants us to punish Layla and wants me to talk with her about faithfulness. At first, I thought he was joking, but no, he was serious. He says that Layla cheated on Lucas and that I, as her mother, should do something about it.

I told my husband that Layla is 7, not a cheater, and I won't treat her as such. He then accused me of 'raising a cheater' and encouraging wrong behavior. AITA for not wanting to punish Layla?

The internet will decide what the appropriate course of action is:

Gr4nd45 says:

She's 7. It's ridiculous to call her a 'cheater.' At the same time, you can sit her down and explain why Lucas is upset and doesn't want to see her. That's more than enough of a lesson. NTA (Not the A**hole).

QueenOfTheSnarkness says:

According to your husband, I'm technically a bigamist since I married a kid in the third grade during recess and then married someone else twelve years later without properly divorcing my first husband. Also, every other relationship I had after that first wedding meant I was cheating. What a monster I am. NTA, although you should talk to your daughter about hurting Lucas's feelings.

CakeEatingRabbit says:

She learns cheating is wrong by losing Lucas as a friend and not by punishment through her parents. You don't punish your kids for stuff like that. NTA.

Ok-Mushroom-7003 says:

Punishing her is extreme, but chatting about why Lucas is upset with her seems like a good idea. NTA for not wanting to punish her.

Free Layla from your husband's unjust prison!

Sources: Reddit
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