I (28F) just had my wedding last weekend. My husband (30M) and I have been vegan for three years, and we decided to have an all-vegan reception dinner. We spent months working with an amazing chef to create a gourmet 5-course meal that just happened to be vegan—think mushroom wellington, truffle risotto, roasted vegetable tarts, etc. We spent nearly $15,000 on the food alone.
We deliberately didn't mention the food was vegan on the invitations because we wanted people to enjoy it without prejudice. Every dish was designed to be delicious and satisfying, regardless of dietary preference.
The ceremony was beautiful, but during the reception, I noticed my brother Tom (32M) wasn't at his table. Twenty minutes later, I watched in horror as he and my cousins walked in carrying 20 large pizzas. They started distributing them to guests, announcing, "Real food for anyone who wants it!"
I was mortified. The caterers looked so embarrassed, and several guests hadn't even tried our carefully planned menu yet. When I confronted Tom, he said my aunt had texted him that "all the food is just vegetables," and they "couldn't let people go hungry at a wedding."
The pizza completely upstaged our expensive gourmet meal. People were taking photos and treating it like a joke. My mother-in-law posted on Facebook about how her son's wedding was "saved by pizza" because the bride tried to "force everyone to eat rabbit food."
I ended up crying in the bathroom, and my husband asked Tom and the cousins to leave. This caused a scene, and now half the family is calling us stuck-up and saying we ruined our own wedding by "pushing our beliefs" on everyone.
They're saying we should have warned people about the vegan menu. AITA for not announcing the menu was vegan, and then getting upset about the pizza?
Chay_Charles says:
$15,000 on food at a wedding?! What a waste of money.
AlwaysHelpful22 says:
Be honest, you didn’t tell anyone about the menu because you knew they wouldn’t like it/come if you did. This doesn’t make you an AH, but people could have eaten beforehand if they knew the menus weren’t to their liking.
Goidelica says:
ESH. Listen, I'm a vegan, but this is classic self-righteous noob vegan bulls^#t that you tried to pull. I wouldn't eat most of that rancid s&^t you served. When you're catering to a crowd you actually have to cater to them. You don't treat it like some kind of gastronomic lecture. It was a d&ck move of your brother to do that, but I am not surprised at all.
lookingformiles says:
Such a clever move to keep it a secret. How did that work out for you? Total dick move by Tom and the cousins though. ESH.