So, I board the plane, settle in to my economy plus seat. Woman approaches asks me to change seats to 32b so her 9 yr old can sit with her. I ask how much cash she has to repay me for the money I spent on the seat, she says I'm cruel for leaving her son with anxiety sitting alone.
I ask if she offered the person sitting next to her son her seat in economy plus, she said she "needed the leg room." I said clearly she cares more about her own comfort than her son's well being, if she cared she would give up her seat and move to the back.
She breaks out in a screaming wail filled with "HOW COULD YOU'S. Ten min later, a smiling man sits down next to me, grinning about his sweet upgrade. My partner says I am the ahole for questioning her parenting in public and making her I?
WhatTheActualFck1 said:
NTA. She’s in the wrong for 1- not being able to plan and book ahead of time so her son isn’t left alone 2 - not being able to put aside her comfort ahead of her “precious son” and 3 - thinking that anyone owes her anything for being a poor planner.
WickedAngelLove said:
NTA. It's so annoying for ppl to do this- they don't want to pay for seats but want people who do pay to give up their seat. I would never unless it's equal or better value. that last time a man asked me to switch so he could sit with his girlfriend, i got to move 6 rows up and he brought my bag and put in the bin for me. Even sent me a drink.
ButItSaysOnline said:
NTA. She knew exactly what she was doing and you foiled her plan.
tosser9212 said:
"Play stupid games, win stupid prizes" seems appropriate here. The woman has does this successfully before, or she wouldn't be as brazen as she is. Good on you for calling her out. NTA, and enjoy the leg room!
Acheron223 said:
NTA. Don't bring your kid into it if you don't want your parenting brought into it.
Puzzleheaded_Row6211 said:
Sounds like someone got called out and couldn’t handle the feeling of being exposed for her scam. Tears were probably real but out of guilt. NTA.
Terrible_Film3193 said:
NTA – If legroom means more to her than her kid, sounds like you’re not the one prioritizing poorly. Bonus points for helping that guy score the upgrade of the day.