I (30f) have 4 dogs, but the one this story is about is a (4f) rottie named Bella. A few months ago new renters moved next door, and things have been unpleasant to say the least. The neighbors are always screaming and fighting late into the night and the men in the home have a habit of always trying to talk to, or just watch, me when I'm outside.
This is not done in a friendly way, and it has made me feel very uncomfortable. I’m a single female living alone, and our police force isn’t the best so I just keep my head down hoping they’ll move out soon.
The other night, around 11pm, I was outside with my dogs in the backyard. My neighbors have a chain fence, but I have no fence along my property except for the part that separates their property from mine.
One of my dogs is on leash, but the other three are completely trained off leash and do not leave the yard. I know some people may not agree with that, but I live in the countryside, and also my dogs have NEVER run off.
One of the women who lives next door, for some reason, decided to enter my yard because she wanted to “just play with my puppies." Bella growled and walked closer to me and I asked the woman to please leave but she just kept telling me it was fine and ignored what I was saying.
One of the men decided to join her and they came more onto my property, which then led to Bella barking and after a few moments of them continuing she chased after them. She stopped running the second she hit the property line and went inside with me immediately after.
Now these neighbors keep making comments about not feeling safe with their kids, and how I should have called my dog back because they weren’t a threat. I don’t feel like I did anything wrong but I also don’t want the area to think that my dogs are dangerous, especially with the stigma against rotties. I also don’t want to stir up unnecessary drama when it’s already difficult living next to these people. AITA?
I know I just posted this but thank everyone for the advice. I’ve called a friend who has agreed to come over tonight and he will crash in my spare room until I feel safe. I’m going to contact the police tomorrow and make a report as well as get a runner and a cheap camera as soon as I get paid. I’ll update if anything changes, but I hope you all have a fantastic night and thank you for the advice.
RaineMist said:
NTA. Your neighbor came into your property without permission and thought she could just pet your dogs. Bella had every right to chase someone who wasn't invited off. If you're worried about your neighbors, get cameras and place them in the front and backyard.
StAlvis said:
NTA. Your neighbors need to stay in their own yard.
_iamstardust_ said:
NTA. Sounds like if your neighbors had just stayed on their side of the property, there would be no problems. Hopefully now they do just that. How dumb can they be to continue encroaching when your dog is giving warning growls and barks?
That said, I would keep an eye out for those neighbors. Probably put up a few cameras to watch your property, consider a better fence, put up a couple beware of dogs and no trespassing signs for good measure.
WitchinIl said:
NTA. They crossed into your property AND ignored your warning to not. Bella protected you, too bad for them. As far as cameras- I saw you say paycheck to paycheck. If you have a webcam- set that up if possible at any windoe facing out that lets you see their fence to your yard.
If you can set a tablet or webcam with a laptop/tablet, you can have a makeshift until able go buy better. Something is better than nothing. I also second the other commentor who said check your yard.
We had kids get busted messing with my rottie who just barked, never charged them or our line, stayed closer to the house by his tie and they threw chocolate over the fence. Took me them doing it once before their grandmother took care of their actions.
GalianoGirl said:
NTA. We have a private trail with no trespassing signs. But people still walk through. If I am out with the dogs, 6, 4 between 50 and 100 pounds, plus two small ones. I make no attempt to stop the dogs from barking, jumping or otherwise confronting the trespassers.
I will go out to tell the people to leave while the dogs circle them. The number of people who argue with me, some saying it is a public trail, they have permission to use it, from whom? Is ridiculous. My family has owned the land for more than 80 years.
plumpandbouncyskin said:
NTA, because they came on to your property even when you asked them not to. But if they were already painful neighbours before, you can pretty much guarantee that they will be worse now. Get some cameras quick smart and do not leave your dogs outside alone because god only knows what sh$% your neighbors will try.
bamyris said:
NTA, but as a fellow girlie with a big dog who has a negative social stigma, you need to be careful. We don't have cute yappy dog privilege who can bite ankles and no one's cares, we have scary dog privilege which means people are more likely to complain.
Bella is a good girl, but you're risking her a bit too much. She may never go over the property line, but angry scared people who get law enforcement involved don't care about that. Scary dog privilege keeps you safe but you gotta keep your babies safe in return.
Psychological-Eye420 said:
NTA. The last thing you want is for these people to push the boundaries enough that anything they might choose to do to you or your dogs can't be punished because you technically let them in. Keep your guard up. That's shifty as hell for them to just wander onto your property knowing you are a lone woman.