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'AITA for reclining my seat on an international flight?' 'If it was me, I'd be complaining too.'

'AITA for reclining my seat on an international flight?' 'If it was me, I'd be complaining too.'


"AITA for reclining my seat on an international flight?"

Last week, I was on a flight from Dallas to Paris (a 9 hour flight). My plan was to sleep as much on the plane as possible, as it was an overnight flight and I was losing 7 hours of time. After takeoff, I lean back my seat to begin snoozing. Almost immediately, the girl behind me taps on my shoulder and asks me to pull up my seat, which I do, but then asked why.

She said there was a baby in a car seat right behind her, so she couldn't recline, and if I leaned my seat back, she can't really see the TV screen on the back of my seat. I was like, OK, but a few minutes in I realized I really needed to lean my seat back if I was gonna sleep (it just made a huge difference for me).

I figured, since there was an empty seat in the middle section just a few rows back, if it really bothered her, she could move there. I had even told her as much. So...after a few minutes, I leaned back my seat again and close my eyes. She then gets the attention of a flight attendant to tell me to pull up my seat.

I put in my headphones, so the next part is relayed to me by my mom, who was sitting next to me. Apparently the flight attendant told her she couldn't do anything about it (what was she supposed to do, make everyone in front of her not lean their seats back?).

The girl then got the attention of two more flight attendants, who all said the same thing, and offered the same seat I told her about. Thing is, we were in the window seat, and the girl complained that she picked that seat because it's the window seat so she refused to move. Meanwhile, I pretended to sleep the whole time.

I felt really bad for her. If it was me, I'd be complaining too. But I also didn't really care about the window and wouldn't have been bothered at all about moving, so in my mind when I leaned back, I figured she could move if it really bothered her. I bet she really thought I was the AH though. It was just a sucky situation. AITA?

Here's what top commenters had to say about this one:

Glitchedme said:

Technically no, it's the airline's fault. BUT let me ask you this: if the roles were reversed, and the person in front of you reclined but you couldn't how would you feel? If I recline the seat at all I do it only a fraction, just so I'm not at a 90 degree angle, but the seat is basically still upright and not overly infringing on the persons space behind me.

Airplanes are incredibly uncomfortable for everyone to begin with, I don't want to make the person behind me even -more- cramped and uncomfortable just to -barely- ease my discomfort. But to each their own. Airlines really do need to chill though. There is not enough space on planes anymore, and the costs just keep rising.

Railuki said:

NTA. Planes aren’t built for comfort, they’re built to sardine in people and get them from a-b with as many extra charges as they can manage. I know airlines can’t replace all their planes at once, but there is no sign of them caring or it getting better.

I know the issue of people’s weight and the seat sizes and be divicive, but no one can argue that a tall person should just „lose height” to be able to get their knees in (buses are like this too. Short people don’t understand that I don’t WANT to be diagonally into your space, there just isn’t enough space for my legs to sit facing forward…

I’m not even THAT tall!!!) Long story short, if you’re flying economy prepare to feel every discomfort. Not that many people can afford business or first class.

theimperfexionist said:

NTA. The only ahole here is the airline for making the seats so small and still allowing carseats that clearly don't fit in the space.

Relative_Dentist5396 said:

NTA. People really need to understand what public transportation means. You didn't rent a room to stay are sharing a small space with a bunch of people and as long as you don't break any common sense rules you are not in the wrong.

I bet a lot of other people wanted to also get some sleep and it's a common thing to do during long flights...I would have felt a little bad, but I can't sacrifice my needs for someone else's preferences of seating. I would have done the same and just ignored her.

therealpicard said:

NTA. On an overnight fight you can't be expected to sit upright overnight. I'm a former frequent flyer. I never put my seat back on flights unless it's an overnight flight. And I always make sure to slowly put my seat back, as I've had a laptop damaged by a guy slamming his seat back unexpectedly. I'm surprised she couldn't recline with a car seat behind her. That's not been my experience.

Any_Dragonfruit_6543 said:

NTA, just been off a 15 hour flight that I "suffer" several times a year, I get it, planes are cramped and uncomfortable, I just recline slowly as to not hit the person behind, and put up my seat during meal time, but do need the little extra comfort. By the way, many plane setback screens tilt for a better view, ant the others have contrast control to compensate that.

Sources: Reddit
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