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'WIBTA if I don't give my mom some of my inheritance money?' UPDATED

'WIBTA if I don't give my mom some of my inheritance money?' UPDATED

"WIBTA if I don't give my mom some of my inheritance money?"

I'm 18 and just got access to my inheritance from my dad who passed 5 years ago. My mother who also got inheritance is now requesting I give her some of mine since hers is basically finished. My dad passed away just before I started high school and before that we were really poor but surviving so when he left us alot of money when he passed my mom was a little overwhelmed with the money.

My mom hasn't worked since I was about 11 and can't because of medical reasons, we both lived off my dad's small income as a police officer. Recently my mom sat me down and said I owe her all the money she spent on school fees since it was "supposed" to come from my money and I disagree.

She spent her money on alot of useless things we would never use and can't sell now after she basically wasted her money, in my opinion. It wasn't for giving me basic care because if we didn't waste money on, for example a car, we used for 2 weeks before she gave it away, then we wouldn't be in this position.

I don't feel like I can trust my mom with the half a million bucks she requested I wanna save my money for my future and I feel like the money I give her will barely last her a year as she spends so much on unnecessary things. She still has a monthly state income on top on her savings.

She would be fine without my money her home she is in provides care and food for her and a reasonable price she can afford without savings but she refuses to eat their perfectly good food because it's not up to her standards and says that's what her savings are for, to buy food but the numbers don't add up.

I'm in a boarding school with reasonable prices that wouldn't do as much damage as she claims so I don't understand how she ran out of money and why she wants so much from me. Would I be the a$$hole to refuse to give her money my dad left me?

Here's what people had to say to OP:


Do not give her any money. You need that for college, a house, wedding, etc. if you give it to her, it’ll be gone overnight. Make sure the account your money in is secure so she can’t touch it. Call a lawyer or the bank if you have to so she cannot steal the money from the account.


If your dad wanted her to get your half of the money, he would have made it so she got it all. But that wasn’t his wish. Your money is For You!


Mom could have thought forward and not blew all er money. You didn't choose to be born. Mom doesn't get to charge you for being a minor and needing basic life needs. Seems like she has been itching and waiting for you to turn 18 so she could spring this on you.


Thank you to everyone who commented and supported me with this. I just wanted to add an update that is not entirely relevant but, you know. My mom passed away about a month ago from a severe lung infection that came out of nowhere. To respect my mom's wishes we signed a non extensive measures agreement as well a DNR.

I loved my mother a lot and thanks to some friends and family members I realised that my relationship with my mother wasn't what I thought. For the longest time I thought we had a great relationship but I was very wrong. With my mother being ill for so long she just wasn't the same person as before, especially after my dad passed. My mother used very bad and manipulative tactics on me.

I loved my mother so much I didn't realise she was just using me as a puppet and something to take from for her benefit. A friend recommended me a book that really changed my perspective (I'm glad my mom died by Jennette Mccurdy) I never thought I'd relate to this book but my mom had very similar mannerisms to Jennette's mom although not as extreme but still bad.

I'm adding this because many comments helped me realise I can stand up against my mom even if it secretly terrified me and to bring to light how many people experience something like this without realising. I know I probably sound horrible but I still love my mom she did the best she could with what she had but she just did horrible things I never noticed.

I'm sorry if my update does upset some people but in my original post I down played a lot of what the actual story was because I was scared of what people might say and to create a bad image even though it was a bad situation no one should be put in at the age of 18.

I'm currently under my sister's (33) guardian ship and I'm from South Africa to clear some air about that. I hope this helps someone or is at least understanding to my situation.

Sources: Reddit
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