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'AITA for refusing to buy someone an expensive Christmas gift?'

'AITA for refusing to buy someone an expensive Christmas gift?'

"AITA for refusing to buy someone an expensive Christmas gift?"

Ive been working with a coworker for about a year. I get along with her just fine but we are not besties and dont get together or speak much outside of work. Its pretty much strictly a good at work friendship etc.

I picked out a gift for her as weve been working well together for the last year and the gift is about $35.

But before i could give her the gift she gave me a Christmas gift valued at around $120. Its a wonderful gift and i am truly grateful for it but i definitely wasnt expecting a gift like that.

So when i gave her my gift a few days later i kind of felt a little embarrassed. She hasnt changed her attiitude or anything and she was truly appreciative of my gift and nothing has changed at work between us.

However, i have some family and friends outside of work that are telling me i was being cheap and shouldve gotten them a more expensive gift after and now im feeling like i might be wrong.

Some background info: we are both the same sec so there is no ‘work crush’ or anything brewing. And we are also in the same position/level at work so we make roughly the same.

So am i the asshole for not ‘upgrading’ my original gift to someone after I received a more expensive one?

Let's see what readers thought:

asfetop writes:

NTA. I wouldn't even buy a co worker a gift, they are not that important to me other then going to work with. I would say nice you got a gift and it doesn't have to match in price at all.

Never mind those family and friends trying to guilt you about this. All you need to tell them is that you at least bought a gift and it is none of their business. God we have nosy busy bodies in our lives

awtue writes:

Well, this is why sheldon doesn't like the tradition of gift-giving...NTA, she's aprreciative, and maybe she is the one who went overboard. Don't overthink this.

apalo8 writes:

NTA. Believe it or not, some people just love to give gifts. They come across something that would be perfect for a friend/loved one/co-worker and they HAVE to get it for them. Some people genuinely are more excited about giving than receiving.

Any gift that is given with strings attached (ie: expected gift back and/or monetary reciprocation) is not a gift. If your coworker doesn't seem to be bothered by it, just drop it. Even if it did bother her, she chose to spend that money. Stop feeling guilty over the choices that other people make.

Sources: Reddit
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