I'll keep this as short as possible. I (28f) have alopecia. My fiancé (28m) has helped me to feel loved and beautiful despite my baldness. He and I had agreed that I wouldn't wear a wig on my wedding day. I rarely go without a wig in public.
When I was picking out my wedding dress with my mom (49f) and sister (25f), my mom had asked which wig will I be wearing with my dress. My mom and sister were shocked when I informed them that I wouldn't be wearing a wig.
Since them, my mom and sister have been hounding me to change my mind. My father (51m) has been fighting with my mom because he said that she shouldn't be pressuring me to wear a wig. I know a bald bride is unconventional but it's what I want. Am I the ahole?
Max293Toxzins said:
It’s your wedding not theirs, that’s really the bottom line, and they should be happy and supportive that you’re willing to do that given the circumstances.
your-yogurt said:
NTA. You're nearly thirty years old, your mom should know what works for you. besides, the better question would be if you plan to wear a veil, a tiara, a flower crown, etc.
Open-Incident-3601 said:
NTA. “Mom and sister, I’m sorry that you are struggling with my decision. You clearly feel shame regarding my bald head. Please stop including me in those conversations and accept me for who I am.”
msbookworm23 said:
NTA. Give your mom a beautiful bald wedding photo of you to hang on her wall and provide a selection of to-scale laminated "wigs" for her to play dolls with.
Ok_Homework_7621 said:
NTA. Your wedding, your head, do what you're comfortable with.
NoImagination7892 said:
Certainly NTA, but I’m curious why you normally wear a wig if you feel so strongly about not wearing it for the wedding?
RubyTx said:
Mom and Sis need to STFU. NTA. I'm sure you will look absolutely beautiful.