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'AITA for banning my sister from visiting my son after she believed my ex’s lies about me?'

'AITA for banning my sister from visiting my son after she believed my ex’s lies about me?'

"AITA for still refusing to allow my sister to visit my son after she believed my ex’s story about me?"

My ex wife (31f) and I (29M) were separated for a year and a half. As in I moved into my own apartment, we were no longer a couple. She wanted to reconcile but that wasn’t going to happen. The reason we didn’t divorced right away was because it would’ve been too expensive plus a whole headache to deal with since she was very against it.

My girlfriend at the time was just a temp at my work but we started seeing eachother. We fell hard for eachother then 9 months after we found out she was pregnant and that’s when I decided to go ahead and file for divorce to be completely cut off from her so I can focus on my family no matter how much it was gonna cost.

My ex started this whole campaign around that time, since my girlfriend was pregnant she created the narrative that I had an affair and left her for “the other woman.”

My parents didn’t believe me because obviously they already knew I was living on my own. My sister was the only one who believed her because they were also close friends, we literally met through my sister.

She didn’t believe me when I said it, then didn’t believe my parents thinking they were just trying to cover for my mistake to avoid being seen as the bad guy. This divided us a lot even if before we weren’t in contact. But she was convinced I broke my ex’s heart with my cheating. My sister called me a disgusting pig.

On one occasion when she met my girlfriend who was around 7 months pregnant at the time, called her a homewrecker and how does she feel carrying an affair child. Form there we ceased all contact despite our parents trying to mediate.

My son is 2, girlfriend and I are living together now, divorce was finalized last year. Now she wants to meet her nephew and apologize. I was still firmly against that. My parents convinced to at least have one phone conversation.

So yeah she’s sorry for how she acted but now it’s the narrative that she doesn’t blame my ex for her reaction and is still somewhat on her side because in the end I’m the one who broke her heart and got someone else pregnant.

But apparently is willing to “put that aside” for my son’s sake so they can meet.oh man that made me so mad it turned into an argument instead. I hung up on her so I’m still on my decision to not involve her at all.

My parents are telling me to stop being selfish for my son and it’s unfair to keep my sister from her nephew just for wanting to be a loyal friend to my ex. My sister is saying I’m being petty now, I really don’t know what to think anymore it’s seriously driving me crazy. AITA???

What do you think? AITA? This is what top commenters had to say:


NTA. Further, I would have told your parents that their lack of support for me and my feelings and needs is going to cause me to reevaluate our relationship as well. No one is entitled to your child.


NTA. She would definitely tell it to your kid when he’s a few years older to make herself look righteous when the kid is ranting to her about how mean you are for whatever normal parent thing. And then you’d have to deal with the emotional damage to your kid and your relationship with him.

[deleted] said:

She didn’t apologize though, she doubled down and excused her behavior. NTA, until she is willing to be accountable to the both of you keep her out.


Your chronology is confusing. You were separated for a year & a half before you met your girlfriend, correct? If so, NTA.

OP responded:

Yes correct


NTA. Yes - she hurt you and girlfriend. What does your girlfriend say - has she accepted her apology? Family forgiving family is one thing - but if the girlfriend can forgive - you have a great woman there and it's time to have a great family dinner. I would make sure she is contrite first though and make sure your girlfriend is on board.

OP responded:

My girlfriend is willing to accept her back in if that’s something I’d like. She’s a sweet person like that but still don’t think I’d want to put her through that

And said:

NTA. If your sister were truly sorry, she would have apologized already without using the apology to earn privileges like meeting your son. And a "nopology" doesn't work, obviously.

We'll keep you posted if there are any updates!

Sources: Reddit
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