I’m very upset as I’m writing this so there might be errors so pls bear with me. On a 1 week family vacation, my immediate family aren’t here. My dad got me a room at the hotel we were all staying, so I could have my own room my cousins (32F), I’ll call her Jo, her husband I’ll call him Bill and their 2 kids had the room next to mine.
The 2nd day my cousins and I wanted to go to the beach. Jo asked if she could stay in my room because her husband and kids were disturbing her rest. I said ok and gave her my room card.
We were gone for like the whole day, when we returned, Jo was still in my room. She had been watching TV, she had actually rented a movie!!! I was angry at this because it was my dad’s credit card on the billing for the room, she apologized and left.
The next day she asked to use my room again promised not to rent a movie and I agreed. When I returned, Bill was in my room laying on my bed. I wasn’t mad, but I also didn’t like it. I asked them to leave that I needed to get ready since we were all going out to eat.
We’re at the restaurant eating, joking around, having a nice time, when my aunt (Jo’s mom) [the official “adult” of the family vacay] said and I quote “you’ll be sleeping in Jo’s room with the kids so your elder sister and her husband can have some privacy”.
I honestly didn’t think she was talking to me until my uncle snapped at me asking if I was deaf. I looked around, everyone was looking at me, waiting for my “ok or yes, ma.”
But I said no The vibe of our table changed. My aunt basically ordered me to hand over my room card, again, I said no. She then said it was wrong of me to expect adults to be sleeping in the same room with their kids when another child has a free room (I’m 24 but I’m also the youngest)
Again I said no and asked her to ask someone else. At this everyone turned on me asking why I needed a room to myself, what was I doing by myself that would make me not want to share with kids It was so uncomfortable I left.
The next day, we had plans to go to the theme park, but they all left without me. I called my cousins, but they won’t pick up. I texted and was left on read I called my dad about this and he told me not to worry he’ll handle it at dinner that night.
I was called a snitch, that I had run to my dad when I was the one being disrespectful. Then my aunty asked me to leave the table or give my “elder sister“ my room card. (It was like a go to your room moment).
So, I went to my room called my dad again and this time he told me to just change rooms to hold the peace. My mom and brothers said not to, that they were looking for a free babysitter (her kids aren’t unruly half the time) but I’m not here to babysit.
Today, I was left behind again I don’t know, I’m really upset about this but I also don’t want to give in. I’m thinking to just go home, but it’s quite expensive to change my ticket. So 3 days left of this. 😢😢😢
I would ask the hotel manager to switch rooms to the other side of the hotel. I then would tell them at no time were you ever asked to be a baby sitter. You’re 22 and I have a 22 year old I know how much she enjoys her own time.
You are NTA. It seems they think they can bully you. Your next recourse is to ask the hotel if you can be refunded for the final days and check in at a different hotel and just meet them at the airport when it’s time to leave.
Tell your father you will never go on vacation with your aunt and or any other family vacations as your expected to be a child care provider. They choose to have kids it is there responsibility to make sure they either get a 2 room suite or adjoining rooms and pay for their privacy.
If the kids get left with you threaten to call CPS and or alert the authorities that children have been left. Honestly when your aunt called you a snitch I would have FaceTimes your dad right then to say here talk to him. But I also would have made a Harry Potter joke when she said you snitched.
As someone who worked in hospitality for years, do this!!! They may even have sister properties nearby they could move you to. And don't give in or leave 3 days early, instead just go enjoy your own time. You are officially on a solo trip; make the most of it!
NTA - If your aunt wants your cousin to have her own, then your aunt can pay for her to have her own room. It isn't on you. Since they keep ditching you, use this opportunity to do your own things. Screw them. Do the things you want, but no one else wants to.
"this time he told me to just change rooms to hold the peace."
---BS. You father needs to step up and put a decisive end to this abuse. Do NOT cave. This bullying CANNOT be rewarded.
If you happen to leave early. Check out of the room so that it is back on the market and has to be paid for. DO NOT let them bully you in to getting a free room if you leave. NTA.
NTA your family sees you as an easy target to bully. If I were you I would've either left or done some of my own solo travelling. They weren't worth your parents shifting their schedule to play catch up, they aren't worth your time either. Have some solo fun and please for me just say on the last say, 'this was the best vacation ever!, all the places I got the see and the people's true colours I got to see!'