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'AITA for refusing to help my sibling pay for their wedding?' 'They made fun of me for being single.'

'AITA for refusing to help my sibling pay for their wedding?' 'They made fun of me for being single.'

"AITA for refusing to help my sibling pay for their wedding after they made fun of me for being single?"

They have always made fun of me being "forever alone" and have even made fun of me in front of family because I am unmarried. My (28M) sibling (30F) is getting married shortly. Although I've always accepted it, I'm finally tired of hearing these remarks after years of listening.

They just requested a sizable sum of money from me to assist with their wedding expenses. I informed them that with the way they've treated me, I don't feel comfortable doing that. They are now playing the villain after I brought up the incessant jabs about my relationship status and how painful it has been.

I believe I shouldn't have to provide financial support to someone who has long caused me to feel horrible about my own life. My parents believe that I'm exaggerating and asserting that "family is family," but I believe they have breached my line. AITA?

Here's what top commenters had to say about this one:

Relevant-Bench5307 said:

NTA, nobody is entitled to get financial help for their own wedding anyway.

High_Dr_Strange said:

It’s their wedding, regardless you shouldn’t have to pay for it. But I say especially not if they make fun of you for being “forever alone."

jahubb062 said:

Weird, she wasn’t married at your age either. Maybe you’ll stay single. Maybe you won’t. But you damn sure don’t owe her any help paying for her wedding. FWIW, don’t count yourself out yet. If you actually want to get married, you have plenty of time.

I didn’t find the right person until I was in my mid to late 30s. Absolutely worth the wait to find the right person. If I had married anyone I dated in my 20s, I would have been miserable &/or divorced in 5 years.

Itakfulea1 said:

NTA. Your money, your rules. If your sibling wanted your financial support, maybe they shouldn't have turned your love life (or the lack thereof) into their personal comedy routine. It’s not just about the money it’s about respect.

And frankly, making fun of you then asking you to pay for their wedding is a weird flex. Stick to your guns, and maybe throw in a “when you get a sense of humor that doesn’t involve being mean, I’ll consider opening my wallet” for good measure.

springflowers68 said:

NTA siblings should NOT be shaken down to pay for their brother or sister’s weddings. Buy a nice gift and call it done!

Enough-Effective-664 said:

NTA - Your sister's wedding is not your financial obligation. And that’s without taking in consideration of her treatment of you. Save your money.

ApartmentMaterial950 said:

NTA. When did it become a siblings responsibility to pay for their sisters/brothers wedding? I’ve seen so many posts about this lately. Even if they didn’t treat you like shit it’s not your responsibility to pay for their wedding. Unless this is a cultural thing that I’m not aware of and if it is I apologize but still don’t think you should be footing the bill.

Sources: Reddit
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