My wife had an affair and left me. No kids, thank god, but she did leave behind her dog. After she left I packed up all her stuff and told her to come get it. She showed up with her new boyfriend and took everything except her dog.
She said that her boyfriend was allergic to dogs so she couldn't take him. I told her to take him to her parents' house or to a friend. She said she would make arrangements and come back.
She didn't. After I tried contacting her too many times about the dog, AND ONLY ABOUT THE DOG, she blocked me. I took care of him until his food started running low. I wasn't going to spend any money on him.
So I gave him to a friend of a friend. One of their dogs had recently died and they were familiar with his breed. We got together at a dog park to see if their dog got along with my ex's.
They got along great and he went home with them. That was two months ago. My ex finally unblocked me and contacted me to say that she still hasn't found anyone to take her dog and to ask me to keep him for her.
I was honest and told her the dog was long gone. She is pissed and wanted the contact information for the person I gave the dog to. I refused. She said she was going to sue me. I told her to go ahead.
Our mutuals are divided. Some think she's a b for abandoning her dog. Some think im the ahole for giving away her property. I think she lost all rights to him when she blocked me.
Special_Ad1555 said:
NTA. She abandoned the pup. You found him a good home. You could have taken the poor little guy to a shelter. You did the right thing.
_iron_butterfly_ said:
I'd countersue her for room and boarding. NTA.
Myystic_Wissps said:
NTA. You went above and beyond by taking care of the dog and finding him a suitable new home where he's clearly happy and well-cared for.
JuliaX1984 said:
Once you abandon or discard property, anyone else can do whatever they want with it. Once you abandon a living being, you lose your rights over them legally and morally. NTA.
ceokc13 said:
NTA. She has multiple opportunities to come get her dog and she left it because her new boyfriend is allergic.
WtfChuck6999 said:
She didn't care until she found out you gave him away. She literally did not give a sh$t. She was pawning him off in you. NTA. I just can't stand your ex for you. She's awful.
Fast-Bet-3100 said:
NTA. Sounds like the dog is much better off where it is than with her anyway.