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'Selfish' man wants his wife to stay at a job she 'hates,' 'we can possibly be millionaires.' AITA?

'Selfish' man wants his wife to stay at a job she 'hates,' 'we can possibly be millionaires.' AITA?

"AITA for wanting my wife to stay at a job she hates because we can possibly millionaires?"

Me (30M) and my wife (30F) are lower middle class people. Always have been. We have a pretty good life great son and a house over our heads, but we always wanted more. Property, and the ability to do what we want. I make ok money but just enough to basically live where we are now.

She put her 2 weeks in today because she hates customer service and talking to customers. She says she wants to do something she likes, but has no clue what that could possibly be. She is a good employee and her company knows this. So when she told them she was leaving, they offered her 1,000 shares of the company.

If she stays another year, she could possibly gain another 2,000. She has to work for 5 years before she can sell them. The rate the company is growing and projected to be in 5 years would effectively make us a little over $1,000,000.

Imo, that's setting us up for the rest of our lives...but she refused and is still looking for another job. I feel selfish AF for even considering to tell her to "tough it out for 5 years" but I also want her happy...that's all I really want, but it's also A LOT of money to us...AITA?

Here's what top commenters had to say about this one:

MaximumDerpification said:

The fact that a million dollars isn't even tempting her should tell you how much she hates it there.

Consistent-Tip-7819 said:

Bro. Not to rain on your parade, but if she was getting comp worth 1M, she'd be worth 1M to them, which idk. Seems unlikely. Therefore, she's getting ownership commiserate with her worth, and you're hoping they grow like they did at one point in the past, which could make them worth more. Don't f up your relationship for this long string of maybes.

Ok-CANACHK said:

YTA why don't YOU get a better job?!

Ok_Pangolin2219 said:

The reality is she already quit. When you're that miserable at work you need to move on. Worse case scenario, if she can't find something else she can find something similar and at least she got a break from it. Customer service is soul crushing. YTA.

ProfessionalHat6828 said:

“Make us." That’s hilarious. She would make the money, by risking her mental health and overall joy in life, so you can benefit. YTA for thinking she should put your want of money over her wellbeing for the next five years.

amyloulie said:

YTA. She is not happy and life is about far more than money. You cannot 100% predict what shares are going to yield so the money is far from guaranteed anyway. She would be miserable for possibly no good outcome. Support her in finding something she will enjoy.

Later, OP edited the post to include:

Didn't expect this to blow up. But thank you all for your opinions. We talked and I listened to the majority of you all. Her mental well-being is worth a lot more than any money...she is moving on. Time to start a job hunt. Wish her luck!

Sources: Reddit
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